Shattered Sight {1}

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I am so sorry that it has taken so long for this chapter to come out. I had just been feeling really uninspired when it came to this story and the last few weeks have been not too great for me. But hopefully, this chapter will make up for the long time since my last update here. Thank you for all being so patient, it really means a lot and once again, I am sorry it took so long to come out.

Confused was an understatement about how I was feeling right now. As I walked through the streets, being careful to avoid Leroy and Sleepy who were currently throttling each other on the ground in the middle of the road, I made my way back towards the station where I knew Emma and Elsa would still be, unaffected and clear-minded. Thankfully, I only had to move out of the way one time as Granny shot a bolt at me from her crossbow. Apart from that, I got through without anyone actually trying to kill me.

When I reached the doors, I hesitated. What if they thought that I was actually affected by it and didn't believe me? Oh, but I guess that if I were affected I would be trying to kill them all and not have a rational conversation with them.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door and walked in. Immediately, I could hear Snow and Charming going for each other with insults and even Kristoff was making some cruel comments to Anna, who, let's be honest, probably wouldn't be able to accept what was being said to her. Sure, she would know that he didn't mean the words he said but it probably still hurt to hear.

"You know, if this is what marriage is like, I'm glad you keep postponing ours," Kristoff said to Anna as I walked in. "I'm beginning to think that this haircut wasn't my only bad idea."

"I know this is just the spell but it still hurts and—" Anna said, and I could see the sadness in her eyes as she looked at Kristoff.

"Why don't you go into the office?" I suggested.

All eyes turned to me and instantly, Emma and Elsa came rushing out of the station office. Elsa had a powerful snow blast burning up in her hands and Emma had her gun raised and pointed at me. I raised an eyebrow as I looked between them.

"Tash, I really don't wanna hurt you so I'm just gonna give you the chance to leave now," Emma said, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"Emma, if I were here to kill you I wouldn't be standing here like this. I would've probably blown up this entire building before any of you had the chance to save yourselves," I countered.

"Was that supposed to be comforting?" Anna muttered to her sister.

Emma slowly lowered her gun but Elsa hesitated a moment longer.

"Sorry, Tasha. Couldn't be too careful," Emma apologised.

"You're alright," I reassured her, glancing over to Mary Margaret and David who were both glaring at me. "Here we go."

"Amie Stiltskin," Mary Margaret spat out, making me fully turn to her.

"Go on, then. Let me hear it," I encouraged, waiting for the insults to come. "Get it out of your system."

"You know something, Amie," Mary Margaret said, and I silently waited for her to continue. "You're insufferable, did you know?"

"So I've been told," I replied.

"You have a gift and not a good one. You always make everything about you and it's no wonder that your mother left but do you something else?" Mary Margaret leaned up against the bars of the cell, her face coming between the gaps. "You're a desperate little whore."

My eyebrows rose a bit at the comment but in my four hundred years I'd been called a lot worse than that.

"Is that so?" I responded, curious as to what her response was going to be.

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