Shattered Sight {2}

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Keeping an arm secured around Baby Neal, I stepped in between the Evil Queen and Mary Margaret and raised my free hand.

"That is not what I said," I said firmly, staring straight at the Evil Queen, shifting to the side each time she tried to look at Mary Margaret.

"No, but my idea is so much more fun," the Evil Queen replied, making me internally groan.

I went to say more but I felt a hand on my arm moments before I was pushed over to the side, forcing me to hold onto Baby Neal even stronger as I didn't want to risk dropping the poor babe. Regaining my footing, I spun back around and my eyes widened when I saw Mary Margaret picking up the spare sword and twirling it around in her hand.

"Mary Margaret, think about what you're doing," I said, and I was about to go to David for some backup but I had a feeling if I asked for help he would just tell them to run each other through with their swords.

"I have thought about it and the Evil Queen, for once in her pathetic life was right. This is how I will protect my son," Mary Margaret responded, not even glancing over at me.

Mere seconds passed before the clash of metal on metal scared the absolute shit out of me, making me step back from the action as the Evil Queen lunged forward in an attempt to disembowel Mary Margaret. Mary Margaret responded with her own attacks but knowing that the most important person here was Baby Neal I started to make my way over to the doorway to get him out of here and to safety.

But just as I reached the door, it swung open and I was forced to move back into the room when I saw a familiar face that I really wished would just piss me off. Why out of every time it could have happened did Colin decide to show up now?

As my ex-fiancé stumbled into the room, tripping over the side table in the process, I noticed the nearly empty whiskey bottle in his hand as well as the look of pure determination that covered his face.

"For the Gods' sake," I groaned.

"Where is that blasted pirate?" Colin demanded, stumbling further into the room. "I believe he and I are in need of a little conversation."

"Not now, Colin," I warned him, quickly moving over to the side as the Evil Queen and Mary Margaret moved their dual into our space.

"Yes now, my love," Colin said, making me audibly groan in frustration. "He stole my true love and must suffer the consequences."

I didn't even bother offering a response to that and barely had a chance to breathe before Colin tripped once again, dropping the whisky bottle to the ground and sending the shards of glass scattering across the ground.

"Oops," Colin giggled to himself before he opened the drawer of the desk closest to him and a smile graced his face. "I'll take this."

His hand emerged from the drawer wrapped tightly around a pistol that I was really hoping was empty. Not wanting to take any risks of it being loaded, I gave my hand a swish so the gun disappeared from Colin's hand and landed in my free one which I then tucked into my belt.

"No, you won't," I shook my head before an idea crossed my mind.

There was no way that I would be getting Mary Margaret back in that cell with the Evil Queen out here causing carnage so I removed the gun from my belt and subtly used my magic to remove the bullets from the pistol. When I was sure Colin could see the gun in my hand, I flung it into Mary Margaret's empty cell and watched as Colin scampered over to it to get to the gun. The second he had got into the cell, I magically locked it and ignored his yells of protest.

I was once again forced to move when Mary Margaret fell back onto the desk, knocking down a computer that landed on the front wheel of Baby Neal's pram.

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