The Snow Queen {2}

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When something goes wrong in Storybrooke, the first place that one should go, much to his annoyance, is my father's shop. He had more answers than anyone else here on the issues going on, somehow he always knew. Though today, like most days actually, Papa didn't appear to be in the mood for visitors.

"Well, this kind of procession never bodies well," Papa muttered as David, Killian, Bae, Elsa, Belle and myself all came barging in through the front door.

"The Snow Queen iced over the locks of the sheriff's station," David informed him. "Emma's trapped inside with her."

"We need your help, Rumple. You must be able to get us in there," Belle said, but Papa's eyes landed on me.

"I tried but it appears the Snow Queen doesn't wish me to assist," I told him with a small shrug. "We were hoping you would have some more luck. You are the Dark One, after all."

"Please. Please," Belle begged him.

"How could I turn down the pleas of my beloved wife?" Papa responded, his tone hinting at sarcasm though I had a feeling he hadn't meant it to. His second language was sarcasm after all. "After you."

I went to follow the others out but noticed that Killian hadn't moved from his spot.

"Killian, you coming?" I asked.

"Give me one second, love. I need to have a little chat with crocodile," Killian said, making me look between them.

"Okay..." I trailed off but knew I wouldn't get anywhere with convincing them to come along now so I followed Bae out of the shop, wrapping my arms around myself as a cold breeze blew around us.

"What's that about?" Bae muttered to me as we all hovered around outside.

"Your guess is as good as mine," I shrugged.

"You're not worried that they're going to try and kill each other?" Bae asked, making me send over a small smile.

"They wouldn't dare. I'd beat both their asses if they tried anything," I commented.

"You always were a little bit feisty, weren't you, my love?" a familiar yet unwanted voice said from behind us.

I turned around to see Colin leaning up against a lamppost, a casual smirk resting on his lips. God, I hated that smirk.

"I think it's best if you leave," Bae said, placing a hand on my arm and going to move me behind him.

"Oh, come on, Baelfire. We're all adults here, aren't we?" Colin responded.

"Two of us are," I muttered.

"Yes, you're right. Baelfire, why don't you go ahead and let the adults talk," Colin said, walking towards us.

"Don't be such an ass," I warned him.

"But I thought you liked my ass," Colin smirked, sending me a wink.

Not bothering to give him a response, I grabbed Bae's arm and pulled him after me. I was not in the mood for Colin's shit today. Not when Emma was in danger.


The Enchanted Forest – 25 years before the First Curse

With immortality came a ton of boredom. I always tried to mix things up but some days things were just too predictable. So to pass the time today I was attempting to make myself a dress for a ball that was happening next week at King Milan's castle. Honestly, I didn't fancy going but Papa had requested I make an appearance. God knows why.

Just as I was magicking the lace of my corset into place around my waist, I saw a piece of paper floating towards me in the reflection of the mirror. That was how Papa had resorted to contacting me when I was on the other side of the castle. It was far easier than shouting.

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