Smash the Mirror - Part One {1}

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With Emma currently MIA, our whole group had spent the night searching every square inch of the town but I knew her well enough to know that she wasn't going to be found until she wanted to be. Bae had suggested I use a locator charm but the potion itself would take time to create and Papa, being the delight that he was, had disappeared on us before we could ask him to make one in his free time.

Though as we searched the town, somehow my darling ex-fiance managed to join me, Bae and Killian on our search. Talk about awkward, eh? No one said a word to each other even though I could feel Colin's gaze on me pretty much the whole time.

As we walked passed the clocktower, Colin decided to break the silence, something that none of us was grateful for.

"Do you remember that time we were in hiding from the Dark One?" Colin suddenly said cheerfully as though the memories brough him joy. I didn't bother offering a response, hoping that it would pass across the hint. It didn't. "There was that time that we were hiding in that abandoned lodge. Remember that?"

Of course I remembered that. We were stuck in that blasted lodge for several days as there was a snow storm and it was at a time where my magic wasn't really in control and tended to be quite unpredictable. This had meant that we had had to find other means of entertainment to pass the time. If you know what I mean.

"The look on your face shows me that you do," Colin smirked and I could see Killian's jaw clench at the realisation of what he was hinting at and Bae's hands seemed to have formed into fists. "Weren't those the good ol' days."

"Yeah, they were. That was until you became a coward and ran," I remarked, looking past Killian and over at him. "Why are you even here? Cause if it's just to reminisce the life you left behind in your cowardice you can piss right off."

"Oh, come on, Ames. You used to be fun," Colin said.

"And you used to be a gentleman. Guess people change, don't they?" I countered. "And need I remind you that the reason we are currently out here is not to have fun, it is to find my friend. So if you wanna have fun I'm sure you can find some other person to listen to your incessant ramblings of a fool."

"How rude," Colin muttered. "But what about—"

"I suggest you stop talking now, pal before I lose my temper," Bae warned him. "And so help me God, no one here will stop me if you don't leave my sister alone."

"No offence, Baelfire, but you don't exactly scare me," Colin said.

"Mate—" Killian began, but Colin was quick to cut him off.

"You, on the other hand. You scare me," Colin admitted. "Though I can't tell if it's because of the hook, the excessive eyeliner or just the sheer arrogance of that leather jacket which, by the way, I reckon would suit me so you wanna let me try it on later?"

"Lay one hand on me, mate and you will lose it," Killian threatened him, his hand resting on the sword on his belt.

"Warning received," Colin saluted, a smirk playing on his lips.

"I'm gonna go and see if I can find Regina. Need to see if she'll bring her ingredients for a locator potion," I told Killian and Bae.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea," Bae nodded, glaring over at Colin.

"Want me to join you, my love?" Colin suggested.

"No," all three of us said to him.

"You sure?" Colin smiled.

I stared at him before flipping him off and turning to Killian.

"Meet you back at Mary Margaret's?" I said.

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