White Out {2}

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Keeping quiet about what I knew about this missing Anna, Killian and I followed David's lead to a certain butcher's which was creatively named as "Chop Shop". I had a hunch about who we would be going to see but once again, I remained silent as Killian and I crept in through the back entrance. It was easy enough to sneak in as it was nearing midnight so most people were tucked away in their homes or trying to find a way to deal with the sudden power outage.

Ducking down behind the wall, Killian and I strained our ears to hear what David was saying to the owner. From what David had said before, I gathered that whoever they were, the owner was dangerous and not someone to be messed with lightly so we had both got our weapons out in case it was needed. Rather than using my magic, however, I had taken the dagger that Killian had in his belt, something that he said, and I quote, "lose that, luv, and you'll be paying for it in more way than one." Doesn't really leave much to the imagination now, does he?

"You don't have your helpers here with you anymore, Peep," David said, making me realise whose place this was. Little Bo Peep. Not really the most dangerous or threatening of villains but I suppose David and I had had different experiences with the woman.

"Right. I just have one," Peep replied, and from the sounds we had been hearing before of metal chopping on wood, Killian and I decided now would be a good time to act.

Rushing round the corner, I raised the dagger and held it close to her throat, pausing her movements as she currently had her arm raised, a large butchering knife in it.

"Make one wrong move and yours won't be the only bloody knife in the building," I warned her.

Peep went to turn and hit me with her butchering knife but we were all a hell of a lot quicker than her. Killian was quick to knock the knife from her hand with his hook while I repositioned myself right behind her, holding her back with my dagger now pressing into her neck. It was only marginal but one wrong move and things would be a lot worse for her and I was wearing one of my favourite dresses today so I really didn't want it ruined by her blood. David took out his own sword and pointed it at Peep, who had stopped struggling in my arms.

"Now, my daughter's in trouble and I need to find the person that can help her," David told her. "Someone you branded."

"I've branded a lot of people," Peep retaliated.

"Her name is Anna. She went by Joan back then," David insisted.

"Do I look like I keep a record book? 'Cause I don't," Peep said.

"Well, maybe you should considering how shit your memory is. Tell me, how do you remember those that owe you if you can't even remember a name. Must be difficult to be so incompetent," I commented.

"Tasha..." David warned me, making me give him a small shrug. "You know what I need, Peep."

"Killian, look in the back room. You're looking for a silver shepherd's crook with vines and bows attached to it," I informed him, remembering the exact one from the Enchanted Forest.

"And how would you know that?" Peep hissed back at me.

"I know a lot more than you realise, sweetheart," I replied calmly in her ear, making her fidget to try and get away. "We've already established this. It's not going to work."

Killian then came around the corner holding the exact crook we were looking for. Releasing Peep, I manoeuvred her back into the corner before I moved away and over towards David.

"That is my person property. I want it back, now!" Peep ordered, going to launch herself at Killian but David was quicker. He moved into her way and pushed her back against the counter.

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