Breaking Glass {2}

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As we progressed down the dirt track all life seemed to be going silent around us. No birds were chirping and not a single rabbit or deer ran out from the forests. Something wasn't right about this place. And if the lack of nature wasn't a red flag, the large staircase entirely made of ice certainly was. It crossed across from this side of the bank all the way up to the other cliff.

"Looks like Elsa was here," Emma commented.

"Thanks, Ms Swan. Please, continue to point out the obvious," Regina replied sarcastically.

"Then, obviously, we're not going to step on it until we know it's safe," Emma said. "There must be a spell or something for that."

"It's safe," Regina countered before stepping onto the staircase.

"Every test needs a guinea pig," I muttered.

"Did you just call me a guinea pig, Amie?" Regina asked.

"No. Would you rather I said every test needs a dummy?" I retaliated, earning a glare from Regina.

Taking a few more steps up the staircase, Regina looked back at us with a smirk.

"The guinea pig has deemed the staircase safe," Regina said.

"I don't know why I even bother," Emma sighed as I started to climb the staircase.

"Well, that makes two of us. Now, hurry up," Regina requested. "I'd like to get to that Snow Queen before it's actually winter."

Following up after us, Emma muttered under her breath for a while longer until what she was saying was no longer coherent to my ears after the wind started to pick up around us. It was just our luck that we happened to be right in the middle of the bridge when it started.

"Something's not right," Emma said.

"Maybe your sparkly, blue-dressed friend is closer than you think," Regina snarked back.

"No, I don't think this is Elsa," I disagreed.

As if answering my comment the whole bridge began to shake, causing us to crouch down onto our knees and hold onto the side of the bridge.

"The Snow Queen! She found us!" Emma yelled over the wind.

"No shit, Emma!" I yelled back.

I looked over at Regina to see her shaking her head at something.

"Sidney," Regina said.

"Sidney?" Emma repeated. "What does Sidney have to do with any of this?"

No answer.

"Regina, talk to us. What aren't you telling us?" I asked, placing a hand on her arm to get her attention.

"Sidney is still in my mirror; he has been for a while now. That was how I knew where to find the Snow Queen in the first place," Regina told us.

"You lied to us," Emma accused. "You said you didn't have a clue where Sidney was. He was in your mirror the whole time?"

"Maybe I did. So what?" Regina snapped back. "I don't have to tell you everything I'm doing."

"Nor do I, Your Majesty," Sidney's voice came from the mirror as Regina snapped it open.

"You led us here. You're working for the Snow Queen? Traitor," Regina said.

"I'm the traitor?" Sidney challenged. "I think Your Majesty should take a look in the mirror. And as you contemplate what you've done, know that she has a present for you that I'd say is well-deserved."

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