Family Business {1}

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On hearing Emma's news about her possibly knowing the Snow Queen in her youth, I grabbed my jacket and rushed out of the shop, magicking it shut behind me. While Killian ran towards the station to where Emma and Bae were, I made my way over to Papa's shop across the road from my shop.

Not bothering to knock on the door to see if they were awake, I opened the door, the bell ringing loudly above me as I did so.

"We're not open yet!" Papa called through to the front. "What's the point of having a damn sign if no one ever reads it."

Smiling slightly at Papa's response, I ran my fingers along the counter looking at all of the items that Papa still had on display despite the fact that the reason most people now visited his shop was to enter into a deal with him over an action rather than an object.

I went to make my presence known but as my gaze landed on the bell at the counter, the temptation was too strong to resist. Quietly creeping over to the bell, I cracked my knuckles out and smirked to myself before rapidly pressing the bell over and over, the ringing echoing sharply in my ears.

"What the hell," I heard Papa grumbled as the sound of footsteps became apparent. I only stopped ringing the bell when I saw Papa appear in the doorway. "Amie. I should've guessed."

"Hi," I smiled, my smile widening when I saw Belle poke her head around the doorway.

"I trust you have a reason for coming here so early," Papa said as the two of them walked towards me.

"I do actually. Emma needs us, like right now," I told them. "I'll let Emma tell you what's happened but... well, I think it'll come as a bit of a shock even to little ol' you."

"You think I'm old?" Papa remarked as he picked up his own jacket, surprising me with his lack of questions on what Emma wanted.

"Ancient," I answered dryly, linking my arm with Belle's and walking towards the exit of the shop.

"After all, I've done for you. This is the respect I get?" Papa muttered under his breath, locking up his shop and following after us.

"Did you say something back there?" I turned to look at him with a mischievous smile.

"Nope. Nothing," Papa replied, making me laugh and lean into Belle's side.

Yet our laughter didn't last long as when we got to the station, everyone else was there, a solemn look on their faces. Almost as soon as we had arrived, Emma picked up the remote controller to the small tv and pressed the play button.

Going to stand over by Killian, I let go of Belle's arm and instead wrapped an arm around Killian's waist while he pulled me into his side. I felt a gaze on me and I had no doubt that it was my father staring daggers at Killian through me but my attention was transfixed on the young blonde girl on the screen.

"Give it back, Kevin," the familiar voice of the Snow Queen said as the woman herself, all dressed up in modern clothing, said, placing a hand on the younger Emma's arm.

If the situation was so serious, I would've smiled over just how cute Emma was when she was younger.

"Emma, that's you," Mary Margaret said, staring straight at the tv. "You must be—"

"Thirteen, maybe fourteen," Emma finished.

"Are you missing the part where she's with the Snow Queen?" Regina responded, leaning on the back of the chair that Emma was sat in. "Emma, you knew her before you came to Storybrooke?"

"Apparently my run-in with her in town wasn't the only memory she erased. All this time in this foster home, or whatever that place was, it's gone," Emma said, as I led Killian closer to the screen so I could get a better look.

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