The Snow Queen {1}

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Book clutched close to my chest, I continually muttered the same number '76' over and over in my head so that I didn't forget the page number. Belle had given me a library book to take to Emma and Elsa for them to use for their research and said that page 76 was the best page for them to look at. I hadn't personally looked at it yet as I wanted to get over to the station before any other shit went down with the Snow Queen. Lord knows how precious time is in Storybrooke.

But as I walked down the street, pulling my hood up to stop the wind from messing my hair, I couldn't help but notice that across the street a little elderly couple were happily strolling down there, hand in hand. It made me smile softly but I couldn't help feeling a little lonely as after all that had been going on with the Snow Queen and Elsa and trying to find her sister and all that, I hadn't really seen Killian that much, apart from our date of course but that was probably the last time I had properly had a conversation with him that wasn't one about strategy or our inevitable deaths if we didn't sort this all out soon.

Arriving at the station, I began to flick through the book till I got to page 76 before dropping it on one of the desks in front of Elsa. The sudden noise made Elsa jump in her seat and Emma turn to me with wide eyes, neither of them having heard me come in clearly.

"Belle found something in here," I told them, gesturing to the page I had dropped it on. "Apparently there's a spell in there. It may be able to work against the Snow Queen."

"You don't mean kill her?" Elsa asked.

"No, no, I don't think so," I shook my head probably a little too quickly. "It'll just neutralsie her powers."

"Can you read this?" Elsa inquired, running her finger over the spell that I now recognised, now knowing most of the facts, to be one from Arendelle. It wasn't elvish, that I could read, but it was very different to any language that I had ever studied in my 300 years.

"Elvish?" Emma asked and before I could tell her it wasn't elvish, she continued. "No, I didn't even see Lord of the Rings." I smiled a little at Emma's reference, amused when Elsa looked between us in confusion.

"Never mind," I brushed it off before pulling a piece of paper out of my pocket. "Belle translated it." I rested it in Elsa's hands. "It should tell us how to enact the spell."

"With both hands, hold the candle and then use your magic to light it. And then when you blow on it..." Elsa trailed off and I couldn't resist the smirk that rose on my face. Looking up, I saw Emma give me a warning look but here eyes, too, were gleaming with amusement.

"Then bam. She's right back to selling ice cream," Emma said. "My guess is business will be down."

"Maybe without her powers, we can talk to her," Elsa suggested. "We can find Anna. We can get some real answers."

"Does your sister have magic?" Emma asked.

"No. I think that's why the Snow Queen's so interested in you," Elsa responded.

Moving away from the table, I flopped back in the single couch that was beside the cells and watched Elsa pick up the candle.

"Does anyone in your family have magic?" Elsa asked.

"No. Well, apart from Tasha," Emma gestured over to me, making me smile over at her.

"So not by blood then?" Elsa inquired to which Emma shook her head. "It's hard when they look at you differently, isn't it?"

"They don't," Emma shook her head.

"You're lucky," Elsa responded, making me look over at her curiously. "Okay, should we try this?"

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