Smash the Mirror - Part One {2}

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Silence had fallen over the occupants of the apartment quite some time ago as we waited for Regina to arrive with her ingredients so that we could start a locator spell or even better, the actual potion. I knew better than anyone that Emma did not want to be found, and as much as I wanted to appreciate her wish and leave her be, after seeing what had happened to Henry, I knew that Emma needed us even if she wasn't ready to fully admit it yet.

While Mary Margaret and David sat at the table in the open kitchen, Bae was constantly pacing. But Bae's pacing was clearly putting everyone on edge as I noticed David keep staring at him as though begging him to stop. Eventually, it became too much and my head started to hurt so I laid down on the sofa, my head resting in Killian's lap as he absent-mindedly wrapped a piece of my hair around his hook before letting it fall into a light wave and then repeating it all over again.

I had checked Henry's injury but it wasn't severe and I was fairly certain that he was going to be just fine but Mary Margaret wanted a third opinion, hers being the first and mine the second, so when Henry went up to the spare room, she sent Elsa up to have a look. Finally, Elsa started to descend down the stairs towards us.

"How is he?" Mary Margaret asked, lowering her mug of coffee.

"I gave him enough ice for the week," Elsa smiled softly. "It should help with the swelling."

"No, how is he?" Mary Margaret repeated, and she needn't say any more for us to all know what she meant.

"Upset," Elsa answered, her smile falling off her face. "I just wanted him to understand. Emma's magic is tied to her emotions like mine. The reason she hurt him is because she was trying so hard not to hurt him. It sounds very convoluted when I try to explain it now."

"No. It makes perfect sense," I reassured her, sitting up and swinging my legs off the sofa. "It's just the irony and beauty of magic," I added sarcastically.

"Have you ever done that?" Bae asked me, coming over and sitting in front of me.

"I never had anyone to do it to. Well ... I had Rosie, of course, but she was gone before I could do any harm. Colin, as much as he's an idiot now, I did care for him but I never worried about hurting him. And then, of course, you weren't even in our land when my magic was uncontrollable like Emma's," I said. "The only example I can think of is Papa. Just by doing certain things that disrupted his quest for power. I didn't want to hurt him but in doing what I did, it did hurt him. But I don't really think that's the same."

Suddenly, the door came bursting open and Regina was there, fully dressed though I immediately noticed that her shirt had gotten caught in her bra. Clearly, all three guys in the room had also noticed as they all looked away while Mary Margaret bit back a smile and Elsa looked at her with a tilted head as though trying to work out how she had done that.

"Where's Henry? Is he okay?" Regina demanded.

"He's fine. He's upstairs," David told her, his eyes averted from Regina's chest though he tried to look at her to get his next point across. "We've been trying to call you all night."

"Well, I'm sorry if I don't respond to your every summons," Regina retorted. "Though I did bring that locator potion you wanted." Knowing that Regina would want to go and speak with Henry to make sure he was alright, I got to my feet and slowly walked towards her. "Maybe next time try leading with thank you. Now, may I see my son, please?"

"Like David said, he's upstairs," I told her before leaning in to whisper into her ear. "Though you might want to untuck your shirt first."

Glancing down, Regina's eyes widened before she pulled the top from out of her bra and brushed off her clothing.

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