Heroes and Villains {2}

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Nothing about my life has ever been normal, nothing about my family has ever been normal either. My brother had fallen through too many portals and disappeared for over 300 years, my father was a power-hungry sorcerer that was controlled by a utensil, and Belle was a former maid who suffered from Stockholm syndrome for a sparkly-faced sorcerer and I was ... well, I was me. But one thing that I hadn't expected to happen, though I probably should have at least considered it, was the fact that my father had physically stolen the man I loves heart. That is not normal!

I should've been pissed about what my father had done and I knew that in time when I saw Killian next and found out everything my father had made him do, I would be beyond happy but right now I couldn't think of that. My thoughts lay with my father's plans and just how far he had gone to enact them.

There was only one person who could possibly stop Papa now; not even Bae or I would be able to get into his head when he had come so far. Belle was our only chance now.

With that knowledge, I magicked myself and Bae into Papa's shop and found Belle finally awake from the curse. It broke me to tell her what had happened because as soon as it did, I could practically hear her heart tearing into two right in front of me. But Belle deserved the truth, I wasn't going to allow her to be in the dark like I know I have done on countless occasions before.

I wasn't sure how they knew where Papa would be considering Anna's information hadn't gestured to any place in particular but they discovered that the spell would be performed in the clock tower where it seemed more magic happened than any other place in the town.

When I had magicked Belle, Bae and myself into the clocktower, we were near the top of the stairs and down at the bottom was a frozen Mary Margaret and Emma. It appeared Emma had been in the process of producing a spell as her hand remained stuck in the air. My eyes only lingered there for a few seconds before I turned to the top of the stairs where a purple sparkling mist floated in the air. Killian was crouched down on the ground, clutching at his chest and yelling out in pain and his heart ... his heart was in my father's hand.

Belle didn't waste a single second running the rest of the way up the stairs and immediately she grabbed the discarded dagger on the floor. It appeared that even now Papa couldn't resist the temptation of revenge. Bae's hand grabbed mine tightly, making me look over at him to see the disappointment and betrayal in his eyes. Papa had promised once again that he had changed but that ... that was a load of bullshit. I don't think Papa was capable of change, no matter who he had in his life or what was going on around him.

I watched in shock as he attempted to crush Killian's heart but saw the frustration in him when he couldn't do it. A horrible sense of déjà vu passed me as I watched the scene in front of me with wide eyes. Even after all this time, my happiness counted for nothing when it meant lack of power.

"I don't understand," Papa muttered, trying yet again to crush the heart. "Why can't I ..."

"Because I commanded you not to," Belle interrupted him, making him turn to look at the three of us. Guilt immediately crossed his face as he looked at each of our faces which were probably all a mixture of betrayal, anger, disappointment and upset. "Give the heart to Amie. Now."

Controlled by the power of the dagger, Papa stepped over to me and handed me Killian's heart. I didn't even spare him an extra glance as I released Bae's hand and rushed over to Killian, falling down onto my knees beside him. His head hung low in shame so I gently placed a kiss on his forehead and lifted his gaze to mine.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"I am now," Killian replied, but the sadness was still evident in his voice.

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