A Tale of Two Sisters {2}

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Following after ice trail as though we were on some important mission, the four of us kept going and going and going until we finally saw the ice trail lead into an abandoned dumping site. And if that wasn't enough, as we looked over at the dumping site, the door to said building slammed shut, trapping the person responsible for this inside.

Wasting no time, we all picked up our pace and ran over to the door. Before Emma kicked the door open, we all armed ourselves. Emma with a gun, Killian, and Bae, who had made a habit of carrying one around with him since being back in Storybrooke, with a sword and I had a fireball ready. If this person was an ice bender then I could easily melt them down with my magic.

"Whoever is here, come out now with your hands up and no one has to get hurt," I spoke up, looking around one of the skips.

"Amie, is this you?" Bae asked, making me walk over to him and the others just in time to see a swirling snowstorm form a sort of creature.

"Nope, not me," I shook my head.

Keeping our weapons at the ready, we watched as the swirls of snow formed into it's final creation, an evil snow man. Fantastic.

"Well, that's a new one," Killian commented.

"Any ideas on how to fight this thing, Tasha?" Emma asked.

"My only suggestion is fire but I'm concerned that if I throw this fireball at the thing and it dodges it or hits it away it'll set this whole bloody place on fire and we'll be turned into burned marshmallows," I replied.

"I reckon we'd be a lot more than just burned marshmallows. More... scattered ashes," Killian countered, making me send a glare in his direction. "Just saying."

"Let's try another strategy then," Emma muttered. "Everyone lower your weapons."

"You're kidding, right?" Bae responded before looking over at Killian and me. "She is kidding, isn't she?"

"Just do it," Emma replied.

Hesitantly, we all lowered our weapons and watched as Emma took a slow step forward.

"We don't wanna pick a fight," Emma told them.

"That is so not gonna work," Bae whispered over at Emma.

"Tash is there a spell to stop your brother from talking?" Emma asked me, making me smile.

"Of course," I smile over at Bae.

"Don't even think about it," Bae warned.

"Then zip it," I said. "You gotta have faith in Emma."

"I just wanna see what it wants," Emma told us.

"Go away!" the creature roared at us, the force of it knocking us all down onto our backs.

"I reckon we should run," Killian suggested.

"You think?" I responded.

We all rushed onto our feet and out of the dumping site as fast as we could, the snow monster still chasing after us.

"What do you think the chances are that Leroy isn't going to see this and panic the whole town?" I asked, coming to a halt as we saw the monster get tangled in an electric line.

"Evil snowman! Run!!" the familiar yell of Leroy shouted loudly, causing an eruption of screams from at least a dozen bystanders.

"I'd say pretty small," Bae answered my previous question.

"I think the noise is scaring it," Emma commented, as the monster stepped back from the screaming, just as David came over to our little group. The monster then started to walk away from the main street and away from the innocent civilians. "It's headed for the forest."

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