Unforgiven {2}

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Belle was still searching for anything that could be missing by the time I left the shop and started to head towards Regina's to assist with their Author research. I felt a lot like I was a little helper today, just wandering around town making sure Cruella and Ursula hadn't caused any trouble that they promised was in their past. Bullshit.

When I entered Regina's office, I was surprised to see Marco standing there with Pinocchio and talking to Henry. It still freaked me out to see little Pinocchio from my time of knowing August. Even though he had tried to mimic my brother, what happened to him was still sad.

"What's going on?" I asked Regina, as I stopped at her side, watching Henry hand the storybook over to Pinocchio.

"We thought that considering August was such an expert when it comes to the storybook, he should look again. See if anything clicks," Regina responded, her entire body giving off very nervous energy. I nodded in understanding and stood in silence as Pinocchio looked through the book. "Is anything coming back to you, Pinocchio?"

Shaking his head, Pinocchio glanced back down at the storybook as if willing something, anything to come to him.

"Maybe if you look at the pages again," Regina suggested gently. Footsteps echoed from the hallway and when I turned, I was shocked to see Emma here already. "Where the hell have you been?"

"I'm on witch watch," Emma answered, as Regina and I approached her. "I was on my way to the station when I got your call. How's it going here?"

"It's not," Regina replied. "He can't remember anything. But since you and August spent so much time together, I thought seeing you would job his memory."

"Yeah. I guess I could give it a shot," Emma nodded before moving over to the desk. "Hey. Come here."

Emma led Pinocchio over to the sofa while the rest of us hovered awkwardly in the middle of the room and very obviously watched and listened to them.

"You remember me, right?" Emma asked.

"You're Emma. The sheriff," Pinocchio nodded.

"But you know that back when you were old-older, we were friends," Emma reminded him, but Pinocchio's eyebrows just furrowed together in confusion. "You were a really smart grown up. So smart, you knew how to take that entire thing apart and add a story to it. And then, you put it all back together. Do you remember doing that? Or anything else about the book?"

Pinocchio looked up to Marco, who nodded encouragingly, and then over to Regina, who watched with hope practically flying out of her.

"I know everybody wants me to remember, but I just don't," Pinocchio said apologetically.

"You went to Phuket," Regina said, and I could see her quickly losing her patience. "You rode a motorcycle. You wore leather and didn't shave!"

"Regina," I said firmly, noticing the sadness filling Pinocchio's expression.

"No, he's not trying hard enough," Regina ignored me, her voice raising. "All you need to do is concentrate and think! Or is that head of yours still made out of wood?"

"Whoa, stop," Marco stepped in while Henry stared at his mum in surprise. "I won't have you speak that way to my boy."

"Maybe what your boy needs is some motivation," Regina replied.

"Okay, Regina. That's enough," Emma tried.

"Turn around now and walk out of this room," I instructed Regina, stepping in between her and Pinocchio. "Before you say or do something you will regret."

"This is my office," Regina laughed ludicrously. "I'm not leaving."

"Okay, well, let's go to the vending machine," Emma suggested, taking Pinocchio's hand. "Henry, come on."

Dark One's Daughter *Book Four*Where stories live. Discover now