The Apprentice {2}

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The warm glow of the diner lights shone around us as we walked into the packed room. I had to give it to Killian, he'd managed to find a location that even I didn't know about. But apparently I had been missing out cause as we followed a waiter into the room, there were barely any empty tables left.

"How'd you find this place?" I muttered back to Killian as he rested a hand on my lower back.

"With my incredible wit and skills," Killian smirked, making me roll my eyes though a smile fell on my lips. "So what do you think of it?"

"It's cute, I like it," I complimented. "I also like how it's not Granny's. Don't get me wrong, I love her lasagne and everything but it's nice to go elsewhere."

Leading us to a section outside, my eyes widened when I saw just how beautiful it was. Lights were scattered across the place and a selection of greenery surrounded the table. The waiter handed us our menus, promising to come back in the next few minutes to see what we had ordered.

Once he had left, Killian pulled out my chair for me before sliding into his own.

"I gotta give it to you, Killian. This is beautiful. How the hell did you pull this off? And if you say your wits and charms one more time..." I warned, leaning on the table.

"Believe it or not but your brother, though he does seem to not particularly like me, he suggested this place. But I managed to get them to do all of this," he gestured around us at the fairy lights and the scenery.

"Well, I love it. Thank you," I smiled at him.

"You don't need to thank me, luv. I wanted this to be the best date you've ever been on," Killian said.

"Oh, really? Well, you're gonna have to work hard cause the last date I went on... hang on, when was that? Oh, with Graham, I remember. Actually, I reckon you've already topped that one," I told him, feeling slightly guilty about talking about Graham in that way.

"We're off to a good start then," Killian smiled before he smirked and leaned in closer. "So... what do you say, shall I order us some drinks, my lady?"

"Maybe just the one," I nodded.

"Why just the one, love? You a bit worried you'll find me even more irresistible after a few libations?" Killian smirked. "If that is even possible, of course."

"Anything is possible but I don't want to be too drunk just in case the bloody Dairy Queen decides to crash our date," I admitted sheepishly.

"Amie, my dear," Killian began, taking my hands in his, making me smile down at both hands. "You gotta live the day as it comes. Don't think of the future, ignore the possibility of that witch and let's live tonight like there won't be a tomorrow."

"You ever considered becoming a motivational speaker?" I asked with a small smile.

"My moto could be something like... live, laugh, drink rum," Killian shrugged, making me laugh. "There it is. There's the laugh I love."

"Oh, shut up," I shook my head. "Let's have a drink then, shall we?"

"Now you're speaking my language," Killian smiled before he ushed over a waiter.

"What can I get you both?" the waiter asked, smiling down at us.

"I'll have whatever the lady's having," Killian told him, making me smile.

"Guess it's time to give you something more civilised than rum, then. I'll have a blackberry lemon gin and tonic, please," I answered. "And the same will go for my date."

"I shall bring it over momentarily," the waiter nodded, jotting it down on his notepad before walking away.

"There's nothing more civilised than rum," Killian commented, brushing back a strand of hair behind my ear.

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