Breaking Glass {1}

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I swear to all shit if I saw another bloody box of files after leaving the station I would not hesitate to blast them off the face of this damn planet! For some reason, I had agreed to help Emma look through the files with Elsa to see if there was something, anything, that could help us locate her missing sister. Now normally I would not have minded so much but considering my ex-fiancé was only a few feet away in the holding cell with his best mate, it made it slightly less bearable. But I did try to ignore him, honest. So I sat with my back to him and my feet kicked up on the desk.

"Somewhere in here, there's got to be something in here," Emma sighed, dropping yet another box right in front of me, making me quickly move my legs off the table to avoid being squashed.

"There has to be a better strategy," Elsa commented, as I picked up the first file, resting my feet on the table again and placing the file on my lap. "While we're reading files, my sister is out there somewhere. We have to confront this Snow Queen."

"Believe me, if I could, we would," Emma assured her. "We have to find her first. And, Elsa, we have to be careful. This woman is tricky. She seems to know both of us, and we don't remember anything about her. And as for Tash—" I looked up at the mention of my name. "—are you sure you don't know her either? She was looking at you oddly the other day."

"Vaguely I recognise her. Where from? I have no idea," I shrugged.

"You see? Tricky. Something tells me that that is not an accident," Emma said.

"You think she took our memories?" Elsa asked.

"I'm really good with names and faces. It was my job. She took 'em, all right. The question is why," Emma insisted.

"We need to find out what the hell she's up to, then," I said, chucking the folder back onto the table. "And I say, no more damn files."

"Paperwork, ahoy!" Killian smiled, bringing in yet another box of files, making me groan. "Old city records from the mayor's office, per your request."

"May I request that you return them?" I inquired, tilting my head back so that I could see him better.

"Well, considering I had to pickpocket my way into the office in the first place cause Swan forgot to give me a key..." Killian said, spinning my chair around so I was looking at him head-on. "...I would say probably not."

"Oi! Somebody's forgotten about our dinner!" Will called out from the cell.

"If you're offering we'll have the bangers and mash," Colin added.

"Good job no one was offering, then," I replied. I picked up two bottles of water and chucked them at Colin through the cell.

"You can have a pop tart instead," Emma said, handing Will one first before chucking one at Colin.

"Hang on. Somebody's already had a nibble of me pop tart," Colin said.

"Yeah, well, I got hungry," Emma shrugged, sending me a wink as she returned to the desk.

"Now, we've served our time. So, when will we be free?" Will asked.

"When I say so," Emma responded.

"Well, I'm off to take Henry and Baelfire sailing, love," Killian told me. "Unless there's something else you want me to do here."

"Make sure Bae wears his life vest, okay?" I requested, earning a smile from Killian. "Oh, and you'd better keep my nephew safe as well."

"Befriending the nephew and the brother to get in with the sister, right? Yep, no one will ever see through that," Colin commented.

"Why don't you keep your thoughts to yourself, mate?" Killian responded.

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