Smash the Mirror - Part Two {2}

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Light engulfed the entire room as Elsa and I ran towards Emma, who looked like she was about to enter the room that would surely be what my father had set up. I knew that whatever was going to happen next was going to determine on how well we got through to Emma because as she stood by that doorway I knew that she was on the edge of letting it all go.

"Emma, stop," Elsa said, as we stopped a few meters away from Emma.

"Tash, Elsa, what the hell are you doing here? You have to leave now," Emma said, looking at us with wide eyes. Did she really not think we were going to try and stop her?

Sparks flew from the chandelier above us as Emma clasped her hands together, taking a few steps back away from us.

"Emma, I'm sorry but we're not going to let you do this," I told her, taking a small step towards her.

"My powers are out of control. There's no other way," Emma shook her head. "Your father—"

"To hell with whatever my father said. Believe it or not, he doesn't always know best," I interrupted.

"And, Emma, you never gave up on me even when you nearly froze to death in that ice cave," Elsa reminded her, to which I nodded along. "So I'm not giving up on you now. I'm sure Amie will agree with me here cause we both know how scary it is hurting someone you love; I know that I've lived in fear of that my entire life. But giving up on your magic is not the answer. There is another way."

"Yeah, you told me all about how Anna's love saved you, and that's great. But guess what. My version of that with Henry didn't work," Emma cried. "This is all I have left."

Emma turned away from us so that she was literally a foot away from the door that was going to destroy her. As Emma reached for the handle, sparks flew over us from the chandelier again and from the other lights in the room.

"Elsa was wrong, Emma," I spoke up, and I noticed that Emma hesitated. "It wasn't just her sister's love that saved her, was it?"

Elsa's eyes widened with realisation as to where I was going with this as Emma looked back over at us.

"What are you talking about?" Emma asked.

"When I landed in this strange town, I was certain that without Anna I was doomed. But I got control over my powers again without her," Elsa said.

"How?" Emma replied, taking a step away from the door.

"I didn't really know until today, until the same thing happened to you and then it finally hit me," Elsa continued, as I subtly lifted my hand behind my back to try and force the door behind Emma shut. It didn't shut it completely but it would certainly make it more difficult for her to get in. "It's not only Anna's love or Henry's or, in Amie's case, Baelfire's that can save us." Elsa began to walk over to Emma while I stayed back to try and keep control of that door. "They accept us for who we are, and that's important, but it's not enough. It's on us, too. You have to love yourself, Emma. The good and the bad. The only way to ever truly be in control over your powers is to embrace them. Because this, this is who you are."

Elsa held out her hand for Emma to take but the latter still looked hesitant.

"What are you doing?" Emma asked.

"Take her hand, Emma," I said, slowly walking towards them so I could properly shut that damn door. "It's time to stop being afraid."

"But this could kill her," Emma answered.

"I'll take that risk if you will," Elsa responded.

Seemingly frozen for a moment, Emma looked over to me before back to Elsa. And then she finally stepped forward and placed her hand in Elsa's and as she did so, a bright light erupted around us all making me shield my eyes. But the electricity sparks had stopped and I was finally able to reach the door and shut it, halting Papa's plan right there and then.

Dark One's Daughter *Book Four*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora