Unforgiven {1}

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A/N Sorry if the next couple of chapters are a little dull. I really don't like this episode and struggled to insert Amie into many places.

"Turn that bloody thing off."

Rolling onto my side, I reached over to my nightstand and tried to grab my phone. It had been ringing every minute for the last twenty minutes. I would have answered if I wasn't in such a ... compromising position.

"You know, you're gonna have to move if you want me to get to it," I remarked, trying to shove Killian off of the top of me.

"I think I'm quite comfy here, luv," Killian responded, pushing my hair back from my face just as the phone went silent again.

"What if someone needs help and you're stopping that?" I asked.

Groaning slightly, Killian dropped his head in between my shoulder blades and began kissing gently. I ran my fingers through his hair and shut my eyes, hoping that the ringing would now stop. But it appeared the universe was not on my side today. Once again, the phone started ringing.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," I muttered. "You going to get off of me, Jones?"

I felt him smirk against my skin before he quickly flipped us around, leaving me straddling him but finally able to reach my phone.

"Be quiet," I muttered to him before I picked up the phone. "Someone had better be dead."

"Amie! What took you so long to answer?" David's voice said down the phone.

"Apart from the fact it is now gone 2:30 in the morning, I am currently a bit ... preoccupied. Do with that information what you will, but what is it you need?" I asked, trying to ignore the way Killian still had that damn smirk on his face.

"We need to tell you something, something that you promise to never tell anyone else," David said, his voice the most serious I'd ever heard it.

Lifting myself off of Killian, I sat on the edge of the bed and held the phone closer to me.

"Well, you know me. I can keep a good secret," I remarked. "What is it?"

"Can you meet us at Granny's tomorrow? At nine?" David asked.

"You're starting to worry me slightly, David. Why can't you tell me now?" I asked, suddenly aware that Killian had sat up, concern on his face.

"Because it will take too long and I assume you're not alone," David responded.

"Your assumption is correct. Look, I'll be there but can you just give me a preview. What do I need to prepare for?" I said.

David was silent for several long moments before he spoke again.

"It's one of the worst things Snow and I have ever done but we need to tell somebody. Can we trust you to keep this a secret?" David asked.

"Of course. I'll see you at Granny's, alright?" I sighed, leaning back into Killian's arms.

"Thank you, Amie," David said, sounding genuinely grateful

What the hell had they done?


As I sat there in silence across from Mary Margaret and David, for the first time in a long while I couldn't think of what to say. There was very little I could say right now until I fully understood what I was hearing.

"And no one else knows?" I finally asked.

"Apart from them and now you, no one else does," David confirmed.

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