Come Back To Bed - Sean Stemaly

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You sigh at your reflection in your visor mirror. You fix your hair then set out of your car, slinging your purse over your shoulder.

Your boots click against the pavement as you approach the building. You press the buzzer then the door clicks.

"Hey, (y/n)!" Your work best friend, Laura says from the receptionist desk. "You are in for a treat today."

"What's up?" You ask, leaning on your elbows against the desk.

"You got a shoot with Sean Stemaly-"


"For one of his music videos. He's stoppin' by today to brainstorm."

"Oh my god." You say, looking down at your freshly manicured nails. "Thanks for the heads up, Laura." You tap your hand against the desk then head down the hallway to your designated desk-slash-office area.


After sitting there for a while, there's a soft knock on the door. "Yeah?"

"We got the conference room all set. We're just waitin' on Sean."

You stand and follow Laura to the conference room and sit at the table after getting a cup of coffee.

The door opens and in walks a tall, very handsome, country boy.

"Hey y'all. Sorry I'm late." Sean says, sitting across from you at the table. "Hey." He nods to you, taking his ball cap off to set on the table.

"Hi." You reply with a sly smile.

Your supervisor, Dana, lays out a plan and lets Sean speak his vision and what he pictured when he wrote this song. He describes a rather sensual situation between two characters; him and you.

You're professional.

You've done stuff like this before.

"We can shoot it at my house." You say, surprising yourself. You just moved in so it's a little hectic but organized chaos.

"Sure." Dana says, writing it down. "We'll start next Monday."

You nod then stand. "Nice to meet you, Sean." You say, extending your hand.

He shakes it and smiles at you. "I look forward to workin' with you, Miss."


"I know my place is a little small but I got two acres and woods backing it." You say, feeling slightly protective over your house.

"It's nice." Sean says, draping his denim jacket over the back of a chair. "Real nice."

"Thanks." Sean showed up early to get a good feel of the house. "I can show you around?"

"Sounds good." He smiles.

He follows her around the house. "That's an interestin' accent." He says, looking at a framed picture on the wall. "Where you from?"

You tell him about your hometown, your pretty smile growing as you reminisce about where you grew up.

"And this is my bedroom." You say awkwardly, looking at the clean white sheets on your made bed.

Sean takes a few steps in and looks at the view from your bedroom window. "Wow." He says, watching a squirrel scurry up a tree.

The doorbell goes off. "Excuse me."

You invite the rest of your guests inside and they start setting up.

Of course you invited Laura over too.

In addition to being a kick ass receptionist, she also helps you into your outfit and does your hair and make up. She gets you dressed up in the living room while Sean is in the spare bedroom.

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