Pretty Little Poison - Warren Zeiders

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"Here." You say, handing Warren a beer before sitting next to him on the dropped down tailgate.

First bonfire of the summer and it's already been great. You, him and a few other friends spent the day swimming in the lake down the street, cooking out on an old charcoal grill and now drinking around a bonfire while music is playing softly in the background.

You shiver as a cool breeze rolls through the air and pull the blanket up on to your lap, draping some across his. He smiles and wraps an arm around your shoulders.

After about another hour of hanging out and drinking, your hand rests on his thigh. You hear his breath hitch as he rests his hand on yours.

"Watch what you're doing." He says in a low voice, looking straight ahead.

You smirk to yourself, sliding your hand a little further up his leg, your fingers grazing the belt looped through his tight jeans. He grabs your hand tight but not too tight that it hurts. "I said watch what you're doing."

"Did ya? What're you gonna do about it?" You reply, your breath fanning across his flushed neck.

"Don't tempt me. I'm not responsible for what happens to you because I can't control myself."

His words spark a blazing heat through your body. That look you give him has Warren hoping off the tailgate and quickly slamming it shut. He grabs your hand and leads you to the cabin y'all are staying in for the weekend.

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