Lucky - Cody Johnson

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You're sitting on the couch in front of the TV. You just got off work after a twelve hour day and you're exhausted. All you want to do is curl up with your husband and sleep the nonsense away.

Cody's been in a recording hole since last week and it's taking up a lot of his time. You're totally fine with it, it's his career and he's worked hard for it.

"Baby, you up?" Cody asks, quietly shutting the front door behind him before kicking his boots off and hanging his cowboy hat up.

His tired eyes land on you curled up on the couch under a thick plaid blanket. He smiles and heads to the bedroom to change for bed.

When he returns to the living room, he scoops you up and carries you back to the bedroom to tuck you in.

He gets you under the sheets then slides in behind you, wrapping his strong arm around your middle. You hum and scoot closer to him, his cologne still in the air.

That cologne.

He's worn that cologne for as long as you can remember. You two grew up together but lost touch after high school graduation. You and a friend were at a bar one night and you ran into him.

He shamelessly flirted with you all night long and not too long after, you two got back together. Not even four months later, you two got married and now you have a baby on the way.

A little boy.

This pregnancy has taken a toll on your mind and body and working twelve hour days is kicking your ass.

His strong hand cradles your belly, his lips pressed against your shoulder. "I called off work tomorrow." He whispers. "I miss you."

You smile sleepily, slowly rolling on your other side to face him. He looks exhausted. You gently rest your hand on the side of his face, brushing your thumb across his cheek.

"When was the last time you got some sleep?" You whisper, tucking your hand under your chin.

"I don't need no sleep." He mumbles back, his eyelids heavy. "Mama ain't raised... no bitch." He trails off, falling into a deep sleep for the first time in weeks.

You're not too far behind. Your hand finds his to tangle your fingers together and you quickly fall asleep with your husband.

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