All Along - Riley Green

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You drop your stuff at one of the tables in a private room at the back of the library. You got an email about tutoring someone you go to school with who needs help in math.

You decide to head to the vending machine on the second floor for a bag of Goldfish and a sweet tea.

As you're scrolling through your phone, a handful of Goldfish in your mouth, the door opens.


"You (Y/N)?" A cute boy asks, looking you over.

"Yeah. You Riley?"

He nods, tossing his bag on the floor next to the chair beside you then he hangs his jacket up on the hook next to yours.

"So, pre calc, huh?" You say awkwardly, pulling your textbook from your backpack.

"Yeah I got this exam comin' up and if I fail it again, I can't play football no more." He huffs, running his hand through his pretty curls. "So I'm desperate."

You chuckle. "Do you have a study guide or anything?"

"Uh, I think." He bends over and digs through his backpack for a torn up piece of paper. "Uh, this?"

You look it over. "Cool."

You try a couple different ways to teach him before one actually sticks in his head.

Math is one of the hardest things for you to tutor in but Riley is super laid back about it.

"Does that make sense?" You ask, looking over his profile with a small blush.

"I think." He checks his watch. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick. Is that cool with you?"

"Oh, yeah, I'll make up some practice questions for you."


He stands and you watch him leave, your eyes trailing down his backside.

You catch yourself and blush before turning your attention back to the paper in front of you.

He's gone for sometime and it makes you feel like he ditched but he's stuff is still there.

When you stand you go look for him, Riley comes back into the room with a small box.

"I ran to the shop across the street and picked up some cookies. I hope that's okay."

"What?" You laugh and lift the lid. "You didn't have to do that."

He snorts. "We been workin' for four hours."

You smile and pick one up, splitting it in half before sliding Riley the other part.

He smiles to himself. "How'd you get to be so smart?"

"I dunno. I always liked school." You shrug.

"Man, I hate school."

"Then why're you in college?"

"Ah, I gotta scholarship- a full ride and couldn't turn it down." He shrugs.

You nod. "You okay football, right?"

"I'm the quarterback." You blush and he smirks. "What're you majorin' in?"

"Teaching." You reply. "I wanted to go into high school teachin' but high schoolers are brutal so I'm goin' into elementary."

"Nice. Prolly why it's to easy teachin' me, huh?"

You chuckle, breaking your half into smaller pieces. "Okay, here." You hand him the practice test you made. "You get 8 of 'em right, you's gonna ace that test."

Riley smiles as he starts working on the paper, his cheeks pink.

He's starting to feel somethin for you?

Nah, you just met.

You have nothing in common.

You're pulled from your thoughts with a strong hand on your arm. "Sorry."

You take your test back and look it over. "Riley."

"I didn't pass."

"You got all of 'em right."

His face breaks into a relived grin. "Really?"


He laughs hard and leans over to hug you. You hug him back. "You get to play football!"

He laughs again. "Man, you're a miracle worker."

"Nah." You shake your head as you start packing up your stuff.

"Here." He hands you a piece of paper. "I'll text you after the exam and let you know how it went."

"Okay. That sounds good."

"I'll walk you to your car."

Riley hands you your jacket then follows you out the door to the parking lot. "Thanks for helpin' me out, (Y/N)."

"It's really- it's no- it's not a problem." You stammer out when he steps closer to you. "You're smarter than you think, Riley."

He nods, gently taking your hand. "Thanks again. I'll talk to you in a bit, huh?"

You nod and swallow hard, your eyes on his hand around yours. "Okay."

Riley leans down and kisses your cheek sweetly causing you to blush violently. "See ya."

You watch him head to the real square body parked on the side of the road, your heart beating hard in your chest and your stomach fluttering.

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