One Thing At A Time - Morgan Wallen

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"Is she gone?"

"Yeah. She left about twenty minutes ago."

You let yourself into the house then drop your purse on the counter. "I don't know why you haven't told her about me yet. Y'all've been dating for four months or something."

"How do you tell a girl you live with a girl?"

"Like that. 'I have a roommate who's a female.' It's not that hard." You state as you grab a bag of chips from the top of the fridge.

"You're right." He sighs, running his hand through his hair.

"I usually am." You shoot back, playfully elbowing him out of your way to get in the fridge.


"You Dani?" You ask when you see a pretty blonde come from down the stairs wearing nothing but Morgan's flannel.

"Yes. Who're you?"

"I'm (Y/N), Morgan's roommate."

She looks you over. "Hm."

You suppress an eye roll as she head back upstairs, shouting following shortly.

"You told me you had a roommate but never said it was a female!" You chuckle to yourself knowing she just woke him up out of deep sleep so he's probably not comprehending what's going on.

"It's- its not like- babe, c'mon-"

"Forget it, Morgan!" She shouts as she storms to the front door, slamming it behind her.

Morgan comes after her, his hair a mess and just in sweats. "'Oh you should tell her. Just come clean!' Look at where that got us. Thanks, (Y/N)." He huffs, shaking his head.

"Morg, she needed to know."

He shakes his head as he watches her back down the driveway and speed off into the night.

"Morgan, I'm sorry." You sigh, setting your drink down to follow after him. "You know I didn't mean for this to happen, right?"

"Doesn't matter."

You sigh as you lean against his bedroom door frame, watching him run his hand through his hair. "I really liked Dani."

You keep your mouth shut because you know if he did he would've been more open about you with her.

"I'm sorry." You sigh.

Morgan sighs back as he lays back on his bed. "It's fine." He pats the space next to him and you sit, leaning against the wall with your legs stretched out in front of you.

"C'mon let's get drunk." You say. "I'll make a pizza and we'll get drunk and watch a movie."


Instead of watching a fun movie like you had planned, Morgan decided on a scary movie instead.

Currently, you're hiding behind the thick quilt his Mamaw made while Morgan is chuckling at you.

"Don't be rude." You mumble, reaching forward for a slide of pizza. As soon as you glance up, there's a blood curdling scream that makes your hair stand on end and you throw you pizza before hiding your face in the closest thing that brings you comfort and safety- Morgan's chest.

He laughs, the sound vibrating in his chest as he rubs a hand across the back of your head. "You're such a baby."

"Shut up." You squeeze your eyes shut as another scream rips through the room, your grip tightening on the long sleeve shirt he's wearing.

He gently coaxes your fist open to replace his shirt with his hand and holds you closer, knowing how much you actually hate jump scares.

Gore doesn't bother you. It's the surprises that do.

He gets you sitting in his lap and you hide your face in his neck as you jump again, gripping his shirt again.

"I'll turn it off." He says quietly but you stop him. "You're literally shaking right now, (Y/N)."

"I'm fine." You mumble, hiding your face with your hands.

Morgan sighs softly as he turns the movie over to That 70s Show, keeping an arm anchored around your waist with a hand on your hip.

"That's better." You chuckle, going to move but stopping when his grip tightens.

He keeps you close as the show plays, occasionally glancing up at you before he decides to lean over and kiss you.

You surprisingly kiss him back.

You pull away first, a blush on your cheeks as you rest your head on his shoulder. 

"Don't tell me you're all shy now." Morgan comments with a sly smile on his face. 

You look up at him and roll your eyes. "Am not."

He pulls your legs over his lap then leans in to kiss you again

and you kiss him back.

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