Creek Don't Rise - Noah Hicks

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"Are you kidding me? C'mon, man. I've been here for twenty minutes!" You huff, shaking your head. Its a very busy night at some local bar in Georgia. "Man, c'mon!" You groan and shake your head.

The band sucks, it's too loud and it's taking too long to get a damn drink.

You shake your head again just as a guy appears next to you. "Wait- Damn."

"How long've ya been here?" He asks, looking you over.

"Half an hour. One bartender can't keep up with this crowd." You reply, turning to face him better.

Your heart picks up and your anger goes away at how fucking cute this guy is. "Y'know what would be better than this?" He starts.

"Literally anything else?"

He laughs. "I was gonna say getting out of here."

"Uh." You look him over. "I am not that easy."

"Yeah, that sounded bad." He laughs again. "I meant like a few of my buddies are headed to the lake tonight because it sucks here and here is where we usually hang on Friday nights."


"I was about to go pick up a twelve pack and join them if you'd wanna join us."

You look him over again then shrug. "Why not?"

"Awesome. C'mon."

You grab him by the front of his t-shirt and spin him back around to face you. "Wait," You say. "What's your name?"

"Shit, yeah." He's usually not this flustered and awkward but he's just so attracted to you, he can't help it."I'm Noah."



You've ditched your shoes as you and Noah make your way down the dirt path to an opening by the lakeshore.

He wasn't lying.

There's about ten other people- maybe more- around a bonfire with some music playing and the beers are flowing.

"Hey y'all." He says, taking your free hand in his to guide you to his friends.

"Noah!" They shout back, one tossing him a beer.

He laughs as he pops the tab and slides his other hand to the small of your back. "This is (Y/N)."

"(Y/N)!" They shout back, one of them handing you a beer.

You chuckle as your free hand finds Noah's and the two of you sit-in two empty camping chairs nearby.

After a bit of sitting, Noah grabs a couple more beers.

"Oh shit." He laughs, watching one of his friends strip to his boxers before rushing down the dock to leap into the lake. "Oh no!" He watches a few more follow before his eyes land on you pulling your clothes off to join them.

He laughs again, copying you before he grabs your hand yet again and runs down the dock, the two of you jumping into the water together.

Once you resurface, Noah pulls you close and kisses you gently, the moonlight highlighting the two of you perfectly.

Who wouldve thought you'd have such a great night with a stranger?

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