Vinyl - Ryan Upchurch

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Part Two to Cheatham County

There's a pair of lips that connect with the back of your neck as you sit on the edge of the dock, your bare feet swinging, your toes grazing the surface of the lake below.

You had to call the company you were supposed to be starting with to tell them you weren't able to join them.

That was about a month ago.

You've been back with your love, connected at the hip ever since and it's like you never left in the first place.

Ryan is almost the same guy you fell in love with except for the fact that he's matured a bit. He's still the selfless, hard working, family man he was four years ago.

He scoots up next to you, his arm around your shoulders as you watch the sun set across the lake.

"You ready?" You ask, swatting at a mosquito.

"Yeah." Ryan helps you to your feet then with a hand around yours, walks you back to his Mustang.

He pulls up to his house and parks.

As you're getting ready for bed, Ryan's scrolling through his phone. "You still lookin' for a job?"

"You know it." You garble back through a mouthful of toothpaste, gasping slightly when some drops down your shirt.

"That's my girl." He teases before setting his phone on his nightstand. "I'm gonna need some help."


"I'm gonna need a manager and I want you to do it."

"Are you serious?"

"Of course I am, darlin'." He chuckles. "Tell me you'll do it?"

"Yeah I will!" You laugh, throwing your arms around his neck. "So what, I'll just keep you on track?"

"Basically but let's talk bout this in the daylight. It's late and you need sleep."

You stick your tongue out at him as you slide under the sheets next to him, a huge smile on your face as you curl up on your side.

Finally, you got a job after three months of looking but what if it's hard to be around Ryan in work mode? What if he's a jerk?


Welp, it turns out Ryan's got a huge soft spot for you being his manager. He knows this is all super new so he's been trying to help you out with things you're unsure about. He's been so incredibly patient with you too- his whole band has.

"Guess what." You say with a huge grin as you sit across from him at the table, setting two plates of breakfast down.

"What's up, darlin'?"

"Guess who got you not one but two nights at the Bridgestone area with Jelly Roll and Struggle and SMO."

Ryan drops his fork to the table. "Shut up."

"I will not."

"Jelly and Struggle and SMO and me!?"

"That's right!"

"Holy fuck!" He practically tackles you in a bear hug. "Y'ain't fuckin with me, are you?"

"No way, babe."

"That's gonna be a kick ass night-"

"Nights. I booked you two nights."

"W- w- holy shit." He laughs. "Wow."

You can't help the ear-to-ear grin as you watch your boyfriend freak out and fanboy over meeting three of his heros, not to mention sharing the stage with them is a dream come true.

He's speechless.

"Thank you." He says, leaning over to kiss you.

"You're welcome." You respond, brushing your fingers across his flushed cheek.

After your meal, Ryan's up in his spare-bedroom-turned-gaming room planning a couple set lists while you're talking with Jelly Roll's manager, Struggle's manager and SMO's manager to get a game plan for the show.

This is probably the most stressful part of your job.

"It's gonna be a riot, I swear." You laugh. "Four middle Tennessee boys tearing up the arena? It's gonna be crazy."

The other three laugh.

"Alright, I'm gonna let y'all go."

"Okay, (Y/N). We'll talk closer to the shows."

"Sure." You nod and hang up the zoom meeting.

"Check this out." Ryan says out of no where, his hand on your back as he hands you a paper.

It's his set list.

Starting off with Shit Bubba, solid. Next is Dirty Elvis, cool.

"What's this one?" You ask, pointing at Vinyl.

"Oh, it's, I wrote that one for you."

"For me?" You grin as you stand. "Really? How's come I ain't heard it yet?"

"I was gonna play it for the first time at the show."

You giggle. "Play it now."

Ryan sighs to himself as he heads to his spare room. He sits on his chair and you sit on his lap as he clicks around for the sound file, tapping the space bar for the track to play.

"Sound on vinyl are like your eyes on mine
And those kisses comin' off your lips
Are like good music over time
So just place that needle and dim those lights..."

You wrap an arm around his shoulders and press your cheek against the top of his head. You slide off his lap and hold your hand out for him to take.

You laugh as he spins you around, dancing as his song plays.

This is a good song but he doesn't think it'll go over well because it's not "his sound".

Who gives a fuck?

Ryan gently cups your cheeks and kisses you so sweetly it makes your heart flutter. "You're somethin' else."

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