If I Know Me - Morgan Wallen

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Picture feat. Sheryl Crow by Kid Rock

You make your way through the loud bar to the awaiting bartender to make a drink order. You have to shout over the live music filling the small, dark and crowded room for her to hear you ask for your second tequila sunrise. It's strange for you to be out this late on a weeknight but your friends somehow talked you into going out.

So far, you kinda regret it.

This crowded bar is the last place you want to be on a night like tonight but today marks one month that you and your ex boyfriend have been broken up.

So that's fun.

"Thank you." You say as you get your drink and pay, returning to your friends feeling looser.

"The guy performing tonight is super cute." One friend giggles, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Totally (Y/N)'s type." Another one says, playfully nudging you.

"Oh c'mon y'all." You shake your head. "Y'all know I ain't lookin'."

"Which is why you should talk to him."

You glance over your shoulder and make eye contact with him then you both smile. "Ah fuck it." You shrug, downing the rest of your drink before heading to the bar for one last one.

"Living my life in a slow hell
Different girl every night at the hotel
I aint seen the sunshine in three damn days
Been fueling up on cocaine and whiskey
I wish I had a good girl to miss me
Lord, I wonder if I'll ever change my ways..."

"Is he singing alone?" You ask the bartender who nods, handing you your change. You pick up your drink and head to the stage.

With some liquid courage and a wild hair up your ass, you grab the mic and start belting out Sheryl Crow's verses with this attractive stranger by your side.

"I called you last night in the hotel
Everyone knows but they won't tell
But their half-hearted smiles tell me something just ain't right
I've been waiting on you for a long time
Fueling up on heartaches and cheap wine
I ain't heard from you in three damn nights..."

He smiles at you which makes you laugh.

He is really cute.

"I thought about you for a long time
Can't seem to get you off my mind
I can't understand while we're living life this way..."

You finish your drink and smile again.

"I found your picture today
I swear I'll change my ways
I just called to say I want you to come back home
I found your picture today
I swear I'll change my ways
I just called to say I want you to come back home
I just called to say I love you
Come back home..."

You shoot him a wink then hop off the stage to the bathroom.

"I'm gonna take a little mini break and uh I'll be right back." He says as you walk away, his eyes never leaving you.

When you return, you're stopped by the guy you just sang with. "Hey."

"Hi." You reply, grinning back at him, extending your hand. "I'm (Y/N)."

"Hi (Y/N)," He shakes your hand. "I'm Morgan."

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