Breaks Down - Brantley Gilbert

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"Nice ride." You say as you shut the back hatch of your suv.

The man looks up from the groceries he's unloading and chuckles. "This ol' girl? Yeah, she's alright."

"She got a name?"

"Francine." He replies, looking you over. "Y'know you don't see very many old Blazers out no more."

You look down at your shoes as you smile to yourself. "Yeah, this was my dad's first car and he gave it to me when I got my permit."

"Oh that's cool. Got a name?"

"Yeah. 'That piece of shit.' Finally got the damn thing outta the shop yesterday and she's already gotta go back."

"Damn. That's rough."

"Yeah but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, y'know?" He nods. "(Y/N)."


You smile again as he looks you over again before hopping up on the tailgate. He pats the spot next to him, inviting you up.

You two talk for a while before he asks you for your number. "I wanna take you out on a proper date."

"I'm free Saturday."

"I'll pick you up at four." He winks then hops off the tailgate.


You dash out to the white Ford pulled off to the side of the street, the rain pouring from the heavens above.

You can't help the squealing laugh that you let out when you hop up in his shotgun seat, your soaked hair sticking to your face. Brantley laughs as he hands you a spare zip up hoodie for you to wrap around yourself. "Thanks."

"It's really comin' down, huh?" He comments as he tears down a backroad.

You shiver slightly, reaching forward to turn the heat up slightly. "Where are we goin'?"

"A barbecue place. That cool with you?"

"Hell yeah."


It's late.

After your cute, fun date at some barbecue place, you and Brantley spent some hours parked at a lake just talking and there is not a single awkward moment between you as the rain keeps falling.

As he's driving you back home, his truck lets out a weird sound.

"You've gotta be kidding me." He grumbles as he hits his hazards and pulls off to the side of the road. "Overheating- dammit."

He glances over at you, his eyes dropping to your lips as yours do too. You both lean in and kiss hard, so hard that your head spins.

His hand slide up your damp t-shirt cautiously, making sure you're okay with this. You boldly move his hand higher up to your chest as you tug on his big ass belt buckle. He guides you to straddle his lap, his inked hands gripping your hips.

His lips move to your neck, gently applying pressure and the occasional light lovebite. Goosebumps show on your skin.

Your jaw drops when you feel his hands slip into the waistband of your jeans.

After hooking up with Brantley, he's dropping you back off.

"You wanna come in? It's kinda late."

He smiles and turns his truck off, setting the parking break before following you to your front door.

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