Snow - Zach Bryan

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He tip toes up the stairs, the wood creaking under his bare feet. He cut his tour short to surprise you after being gone for months.

He kicks his jeans off, his t-shirt and socks following in a discarded pile by the dresser before sliding under the white sheets behind you, his tattooed arm wrapping around your middle.

You don't stir but relax further into a deep sleep. He slides your tank top strap off your shoulder and kisses your flushed skin lightly.

He's so glad that he's home.

He missed this- this pure bliss of just holding you under the sheets.

You scoot back further against him, needing to be as close as possible.

Something tickles your nose.

You sit up and flick on the bedside lamp. "Are you drinking again?"

Zach's eyes adjust to the pale lamplight. "Wh- where'd you get that idea?"

"Kiss me." You say before leaning over to press your lips to his. "And smoking? Zach, we talked about this-"

"I told you I'm sober." He scoffs, sitting up against the headboard.

You give him a stern look before getting to your bare feet, the floor creaking with every step. "If I find that fucking flask in your bag, I swear-"

Zach swallows hard when you show him the flask he thought he had well hidden. "What the hell?" You ask, tears in your eyes.

He relapsed after months and months of being sober. He worked so hard to get clean, too.

You got sober with him.

When his mother passed, it was a dark time.

That woman was his rock and hell, she practically raised you too. She always told you that she was so glad that her baby boy was with someone like you. She loved you like her own.

"Babe, I swear, that's all I had over tour." He's sitting up more now, elbows on his knees with his legs over the edge of the bed.

This is the first time you've seen him since he's been home and wow does he look exhausted.

"Please tell me that that's all it was."

He stands and takes your shaking hand gently. "I told you that's all I had over the past three months, I swear. I smoked, I won't lie, but I'd rather smoke than get back into drinking."

You nod to yourself.

He's right.

You'd rather have him smoke than drinking, too.

"I will let that slide because I love you." You try to say in a teasing voice but it cracks.

You just got a flashback to when things were rough and that made you terrified for what could've happened.

He could've relapsed.

He could've overdosed.

He knows he could've relapsed too but he's way too scared to lose you or for you to lose yourself.

That's why he bought a back of Marlboro's instead.

Slowly, the flask slips from your fingers and hits the floor with a metallic clang, no doubt denting the cheap material.

Zach takes your other hand and presses both of them to his chest. "I love you." He says, his forehead against yours. "With my whole heart, I love you."

You can't help the small smile on your face. "I love you too."

He leads you back to the bed, laying you back with lips against yours. You immediately cuddle back up against him, your head on his collarbone and your arm tight around him.

"I love you." You whisper again, tears in your eyes again. "So much."

He runs his fingers through your hair, his lips against the top of your head. "I love you, too."

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