You Should Be Here - Cole Swindell

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You sigh softly as you run you fingers across the top of the granite stone in front of you. Each inhale you take, you can still smell his cologne. Each gust of wind, you can still hear his charming laugh. Each time you close your eyes, you see his smile.

Your bloodshot eyes look at the name chiseled into the stone. You want to cry but you're out of tears.

Colden Rainey Swindell
June 30th, 1983 - March 21st, 2019
Loving Husband, Loyal Friend

He was taken too soon.

He was on his way home from a show when he called you just to tell you he loved you. Shortly after that phone call ended, so did his life. This asshole was driving recklessly, cross faded, and slammed into the bus, killing him and nearly everyone on that bus. The only one who survived was his manager Kerri.

You rest one hand on the headstone and the other on your protruding baby bump. This little one is going to grow up without his father. A fresh batch of tears swell in your eyes, he was taken too goddamn soon.

You turn on your heel and take Luke Bryan's, one of Cole's closest friends, arm. He keeps his hand around yours as he walks you to the car.

He can't imagine what you're going through.

You and Cole just got married not even a year ago and you have a child on the way. You two met and dated all throughout college. He told you he's never felt so in love before.

Once touring came around, he had made you a promise to be safe and to call you when he could.

"Thanks." You whisper when Luke opens the door for you.

"If you need anything, please don't hesitate. My wife and me are here for you."

"Thanks." You repeat, wiping your mascara tears. "And thank you for doing all this." You clear your throat. You knew you couldn't afford a funeral, not on top of baby visits, check ups, bills, groceries. Cole was the primary earner of the family but he put all his money toward said expenses.

It's you and your son against the world now.

You and him can get through anything life throws your way. Your son, Colden Swindell Jr, is going to have a rough time growing up without his daddy but you know you're going to do your best and with the help of Luke and his wife, things will be just fine.

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