With You I Am - Cody Johnson

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"Hey babe."

You look up from your spot, cocooned under a thick white blanket on the couch. You glance at the clock on the wall and rub your eyes. "Where you been?" You ask, closing the cover to the book you've been reading for the past four hours.

"I told you we had a video shoot today." He replies, kicking his boots off before tossing his hat on the coffee table then sitting on the couch next to you.

Cody slouches over, his head on your shoulder as he reads over the cover of the book in your hands. "Whatcha readin'?"

You chuckle and rest your free hand on the side of his head. "Want me to read to you?"

He nods to hide the blush on his face and the excitement bubbling in his chest.

His mom used to read to him when he was younger- way younger but she felt like he was outgrowing it but honestly, he loves listening to you read out loud.

You open your book back up and restart the chapter knowing he doesn't really care what the book is about, he just likes hearing you talk.

About halfway through the chapter, you glance down and see your husband asleep with his head still on your shoulder.

You wouldn't trade this for anything in the world.

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