50 Shades of Crazy - Chase Rice

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"Third time this week? It's startin' to become a habit, huh?" You say in a flirty tone as a recent regular comes into your bar.

"Can't stay away, darlin'. Chase." He flirts back with a cocky yet sweet smile as he sits across from you. "Third date, figured you should know my name."

"How polite." You grin. "(Y/N)." You respond, serving him his usual order.

He looks you over with a small smirk hidden by his beer can. You bat your eyelashes at him then make your way down to the other end of the bar to help another patron.

He's into you- so into you. Hell, he's gone out of his way thrice this week just to talk to you.

He looks from the tv mounted on the wall next to him at you in time to see you quickly look away.

"Hey." He calls you over.

You saunter your way to him, your blue jeans shaping your legs perfectly. "What's up?"

"You from 'round here?"

You laugh. "I live 'bout ten minutes away but I'm from Asheville, North Carolina."

"Me too!" He laughs back.

"If you're back in town, gimme a call." You say, handing him a scrap piece of paper from the menu with your name and number on it.

He forces back a giggle as he pockets the note. "What time are you off?"

"Two." You reply, glancing at the digital clock on the wall.

"I gotta plane to catch at noon. Do you wanna grab some food 'fore then?"

"You really want me runnin' on no sleep? I'm a bitch when I don't get no sleep."

"Yeah, I'll be the judge of that." He stands. "The diner around the corner, eight." He says then tosses a couple bills down on the counter. "Maybe I'll see ya later." He winks then walks away.

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