Can't Write A Love Song - Riley Green

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You jump awake when there's a piercing shriek that cuts through the wall you share with your neighbor.

You grunt as you check the time on your phone.

2:18 a.m.

You lay awake for a few minutes, hopping that sound was just an accident so you can fall back asleep.

You wait five minutes before drifting back asleep.


You swear loudly as you angrily get out of bed, pulling a pair of shorts on with your tank top- it's hot in Nashville, even at night.

You stomp next door and knock on the peeling black door to your neighbors apartment.

"Can I help you?"

You look up and your heart flutters at the sight of this handsome man standing across from you in a pair of shorts and nothing else.

All of your anger disappears when you lock eyes with him.

"Uh, yeah, I- uh- I just- I live next door. I just moved in a couple days ago and your- do you mind keeping it down when it's this late?"

"What're you talkin' about?"

"Can you just keep it down?"

"No." He says then shuts the door.

You stand there with your jaw dropped before heading back into your apartment.



It's like clockwork.

2:18 am.


Instead of a shriek, it's music. He's playing the guitar at two in the fucking morning.

You clench your jaw as you grab your robe and pull it on over your bra and panty clad body and head back next door.

You pound on the door again.

"Yeah." He says, standing in a pair of shorts.

"Can you please keep it down?"

He rolls his eyes and starts to shut the door but you stop it by smacking it back open. "Excuse me!"

He stumbles back at the sudden boldness.

You take a few steps into the apartment as you glare up at him. "Quit acting like you're doing nothing when you're over here being loud at two in the morning!"

He can't help the small smirk on his face as he looks you over. "You want a drink?"

"Dr- do I want a drink?" You give him a dirty look.

"What? Did I stutter?" He asks as he starts to make a drink. "You like screwdrivers, right?"

"How'd you- how did you know?"

"You're noisy too."

"I am not!"

He chuckles as he hands you your drink then pops the tab off a beer can. "You gonna sit or just stand their awkwardly?"

You roll your eyes as you sit on his couch next to him. "What's your name?" He asks, his strong, tan arm on the cushion behind you.

"(Y/N). You?"


You take a sip from the strong drink he made then stand. "No, I came over here to ask you to keep it down, Riley. You can't charm me into-"

"I'm not tryna charm you, sweetheart." You scoff a couple times before looking into your drink with a blush.

He stands too. "There's gotta be a reason why you're still here."

"You invited me in."

He takes a few steps closer. "You could've left."

You take in a shaky breath when he's inches from you. He's so close that you can smell the body wash he uses.

His hand comes up and runs over your arm poking out of your robe sleeve.

"Riley, I..." You trail off, enjoying the way your body is burning.

He flashes that smirk again and leans down, his lips brushing against yours. You push him away to take a gulp from your drink before you grab his jaw, bringing him down to your height.

He nudges you against his wall, trapping you between his arms. He takes your glass from you and sets it down before blindly leading you back to his couch.

Riley lays you back, his hand on the tie around your robe. You undo it for him, letting him get a look at your cute undies and sports bra.

You kick yourself for not wearing matching underwear but whatever.

It hits you.

You're about to have sex with this sex stranger- your neighbor.

But it's totally -totally worth it.

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