Read Me My Rights - Brantley Gilbert

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You and your boyfriend park in the lot across from an arena. He surprised you with Brantley Gilbert concert tickets after a nasty fight he started; his way of an apology.

He even got floor tickets.

You get through security and then make your way toward the barricade.

This is your first concert since you and your boyfriend started dating- that was two years ago.

The crowd starts to get packed when the lights go up. The screams are deafening when the man of the hour comes out.

Brantley fuckin Gilbert.

He's been your favorite country singer for as long as you can remember. He's just such a badass who doesn't take shit from anyone and it's honestly a turn on.

As the concert goes on, you can feel your boyfriend start to get restless next to you. He's bored and he's ready to leave.

He grabs her hand and starts to pull you away but you take your hand back. "(Y/N), let's go." He says harshly.

"No, I wanna stay." You state.

He doesn't like that.

He grabs your upper arm and practically starts dragging you through the crowd. You struggle against his grip, panic starting to set in when you feel his blunt nails digging into your skin.

"You're hurting me." You whimper, trying to free your arm from his strangling hold. "Stop it!"

His grip only tightens and he starts to get rougher. "St- Stop it!" You cry out again, hoping someone from the crowd helps you but everything goes quiet.

All of a sudden, you're pushed to the side, some stranger catches you from face planting in the concrete beneath your feet. You grab on to who ever caught you and watch what goes down next.

Brantley Gilbert, the man himself, is wailing away on your piece of shit boyfriend. You squeak and hide your face in your hands.

Someone finally pulls them apart and you wince at the sight of your boyfriend's face gushing blood.

Brantley Gilbert shoves him back. "Get outta here!" He shouts, shoving him again. "Now!"

A security guard grabs him by the arm and drags him out of the arena, leaving you with Brantley Gilbert.

"You okay?" He asks, cautiously wrapping a heavily inked arm around your shoulders. "C'mon." He walks you to the barricade and helps you over.

He tells you to sit off the side of the stage, the stage manager will take care of you until the show is over.

You're shook up, understandably so, and your heart is still racing.

Once the show ends, Brantley is crouching next to you by the case you're sitting on.

"You okay, darlin'?" You nod, slightly starstruck but still worked up. "I'm sorry that asshole laid his hands on you like that."

Your tearful eyes lock with his for a second and color rushes to your cheeks. "I had- I didn't know that he'd ever do somethin' like that." You inhale shakily. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be here. I should get goin'."

You go to stand but you're stopped by a rough yet gentle hand around your wrist.

"I should really get home." You try to say confidently but your voice goes soft when he stands in front of you. You can feel his breath fanning across your flushed face.

"What're you doin' tomorrow?" He asks.

"N- Nothin'." You respond shakily.

"No work?"

"I'm kinda- I'm kinda- I'm kinda in between jobs right now." You whisper, watching his fingers fiddle with the strings of your hoodie.

"C'mon, we'll take care of you." He takes your hand and starts walking to his tour bus.

This is probably incredibly stupid to do, just up and go with a totally stranger but you only live once, right?

You glance over your shoulder. "I don't have any clothes or... stuff."

"We'll take care of that." He promises. "C'mon, the world awaits."

You laugh and take his hand, following Brantley Gilbert back to his tour bus.

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