Something Bout Her Dixie - Riley Green

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"It's so early." You whine at your boyfriend from the bed as you watch him get dressed for the morning. He spent the night with a promise for you in the morning.

"I know, baby." Riley responds, pulling on a pair of overalls over his sweatshirt. "You wanted to do this, though." You whine again and flop back on the bed, your feet hanging of the side. "You literally begged to come with me today."

"Yeah but now I don't wanna. I wanna sleep in."

"Too late. Get dressed. We're already running behind."

You get to your feet and layer up. Riley is taking you duck hunting with him for the first time. You're excited, mostly to spend time with him doing what he loves and to learn how to duck hunt.

Riley loves that about you: how you're not afraid to try new things.

You head downstairs to the kitchen to find Riley sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other.

"What are you, eighty?" You tease, pouring yourself a cup of coffee since he didn't like he always does.

The look he gives you makes you laugh. "You're lucky I love you." He states, leaning over to kiss your cheek. You laugh again, your arm around his shoulders as you lean in and kiss his lips sweetly. You can feel him smile against your lips. "We gotta get goin'."

"No, stay." You say, taking his hand gently. "Can you spare half an hour?"

His cheeks go pink. "C'mon, it's the first- it's the first day of duck season." He's mentally fighting himself, you can tell.

It's cute, really.

"When we get back, I'll take care of you." You whisper against his neck, your lips pressing against the chain around his neck. "Let's go. It's the first day of duck season."

You head out to the garage to grab your carhartt, it's cold today- especially with the sun still asleep like you wish you were right now with your man by your side.


After several hours of silence, you are heading home. Riley caught a dozen ducks while you caught less than ten.

You step onto the small covered porch behind your boyfriend and bite your lop. Riley had taken his coat off before getting into the truck so he's in a tight, olive green, long sleeve t-shirt with his chain poking out. You reach up and fix it, your chilly hand slipping down his chest.

It's like he's paralyzed by your touch when your hand takes through his hat hair. You smile to yourself when his eyes flutter shut.

You gently take his hand and tug him to the bathroom where you unhook his overalls and push his pullover up.

He gets the hint and undresses himself. You, on the other hand, wait for him to help.

He slides his hands under your shirt and pushes it off of you, your jeans following shortly after.

Riley leans down and kisses you sweetly at first but once your hands grasp the sides of his face, it turns needy.

Quickly, the shower is turned on and you both hop in. As soon as you're in, though, he's pushing you against the wall, pressing open mouthed kisses against your neck then traveling down to your shoulder and chest.

You wrap your arms around what you can reach. You squeak when he lifts you up to wrap your legs around his waist. He pushes into you and you let out a long soft moan into his ear, your fingers twisting in his damp curls.

"I love you." He says, his hands pressed against the wall on either side of you, his hips bucking against yours- gently.

"I love you too."

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