14.2 Take-a-Teacher-to-Work-Day

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"That bad, huh?"

Laney held the door open for Jonna, who rushed out. They began walking across campus to the main street. As they had left the classroom, Jonna had complained about the class structure and what she referred to as "missed opportunities." Laney had smiled, shaking her head.

In response to Laney's current question, Jonna yawned. "Yeah, it was that bad. But you seemed to like it."

Laney nodded, staring ahead. "It interests me, for sure."

Silence punctuated the sounds of their shoes slapping the pavement. Finally, Jonna asked, "Now, where are going?"

She was so sleepy that it was hard keeping stride with Laney, who walked ahead at an ever-increasing pace.

"I gotta get to work."

"Where do you work?"

Laney raised a hand, pointing at a brick-faced building a few blocks away. "Tit for Tat."

At the name, several ideas came to mind. Jonna held back her other questions.

Instead, she said, "Never heard of it."

Laney flashed her brilliant smile. "I think you'll like it."


The inside of Tit for Tat featured a front room with artwork panels covering the walls.

A raven-haired girl with dark skin behind the counter greeted them. "Laney, you're on time!"

"Weird, right?" Laney high-fived the girl. Then, "Aarya, this is Jonna. She's here for her first tattoo."

Jonna, who had been thumbing through the panels on the wall, stopped. "How do you know I don't have any tattoos?"

Aarya laughed but not unkindly. "Ah, man, we can always tell."


Laney took Jonna's hand in hers.

"You sure?"

Jonna examined the outline of the tattoo on the back of her hand. Then she shook her head.

"You don't have to do this. I already like you."

But Jonna heard only her own thoughts. The outline fascinated her with its promise. Once finished, it would be irreversible.

"Do it," she heard herself saying.

"You got it."

A loud buzzing started, the sound emanating from the instrument in Laney's fingers. She brought it down gently on Jonna's hand. The needle bit into her hand, like little teeth gliding over her skin.

She drew in a breath, then another. Jonna was sure she wouldn't be able to stand it. She thought about asking Laney to stop.

Slowly, the uncomfortable sensation----shifted. And it became almost pleasant.

Over the sound of the buzzing, it was possible to talk but Jonna resisted. She distrusted her voice at the moment. Instead, Jonna watched Laney's bent head as she concentrated on moving the instrument near the side of Jonna's hand.

With each stroke, a feeling built inside of her. It wasn't sexual. Well, maybe slightly. Mostly, she felt a renewal. She had the odd certainty that her old self was dropping away, and when Laney was done, she would begin the second part of her life.

Finally, the buzzing stopped. Laney set the instrument down and quickly wiped Jonna's hand.

"How do you like it?"

Jonna stared at the two-inch quill outlined in black on her skin. She had chosen it because it was small, and it reminded her of her job. Now, seeing the finished product, it somewhat resembled a feather.

Tattoos are for sluts, she recalled Shane telling her once. They looked cheap, they were there for forever, and blah blah blah.

As a result of his dislike, Jonna had never formed her own opinion of tattoos. She had certainly never considered getting one.

The feather was hers. A symbol, a statement of her freedom from Shane.

So she told Laney how she truly felt.

"I love it."


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