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"do you ever wonder what our kids are thinking" Mitchel randomly asks

"what? we don't have kids"

"yeah but we will so they have to be somewhere"

"babe it is 3:27 AM why are you asking me this"

"i don't know i was just thinking it. okay what about this. do you ever wonder if any of our ancestors knew each other"

"well clinton fucked my sister"

"okay but what about our other ones"

"i don't know it's a possibility though"

"true... so what do you think about Aliens"

"that's a conversation for another time. okay we should go to sleep now"

"no i like staying up to talk to you"

"you're starting to not make sense you need sleep babe"



"fine... but one more question"


"when we're old and have grandkids will we still have sex"

"oh my god go to bed"

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