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"y/n the ubers here!" your best friend screams to you

"one sec" you scream back

"are you excited for the club"

"yup i need to find a new man"

"oh and you will... i invited a few people to come with us"

"oh no who"

"you know that band im friends with"

"the one about the ocean"

"uh yeah sure. anyways they're coming and one of the boys, Mitchel is especially single and your type"

"what does he look like"

she shows you a picture of Mitchel and you smile

"ooo okay yeah he's hot"

"aye that's what he said about you"
its now time to go to the club and you're excited to meet Mitchel

"where is he" you ask your friend once you get into the club

"you have to find him that way it feels like a natural meetup"

"uh okay"

you continue into the club and start to dance at the sound of the music

eventually you feel hands on your waist and you smirk turning around

"hello" you whisper

"hello y/n?"


"mitchel nice to meet you" he shakes your hand and kisses your neck "so I heard it was your birthday a few days ago huh"

"yup"  you answer as you two sway to the music

"i can give you a late birthday gift if you'd like"

"hmm sure you can"

"come with me"

you leave the dance floor and take his hand as he drags you over to the handicap bathroom

you guys go in and he starts kissing your neck

"slow down" you moan

"i'm so glad your friend showed me your picture." he says

"you're so hot" you moan as he continues to kiss down your body

"you too. may i?" he asks putting his hands on the zipper of your red dress

"yes please"

he unzips your dress and it goes flowing down to the floor

"mmm beautiful"

he takes off his pants and you immediately look down

"like what you see" he laughs

"oh do i..." you lean close to his ear "fuck me like i'm famous"


Chase Atlantic ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora