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"hey babe wanna go out tonight" mitchel asks you

"nah im fine"

"and why not"

"i have plans" you say rolling your eyes

"and those are"

"candy crush"

"really babe you'd rather play candy crush than go out with your boyfriend"

"aw you understand how sweet" you say putting your hand on your heart

"seriously please go out with me tonight"

"i said no mitchel okay we can go some other time"

"you can play candy crush some other time too"

"ooo you see about that you are very very wrong this can't wait YOU can"

"ugh you always play this game"

he groans and flops on the bed next to you

"aw look we're doing both" you say putting your head on his shoulder

"you're good at this game" he says kissing the side of your head

"i know" you flip your hair "your girlfriends pretty awesome at a lot of things"

"oh really. what else"

"hmm let's see" you tap your chin and lock your phone, turning to look at him

"well i'm pretty awesome at kissing, hugging, sucking dick, umm drawing, dancing, singing, hmm what else, oh yeah talking, thinking, and being your girlfriend" you list and kiss his cheek

"now i can't say i disagree with that. so how was that few minutes of not playing your game"

"torturous. but i guess since i was with you it was fine in the end"

"see so you can go out tonight"

"woah woah woah i didn't say that. PLUS im tired so"

"fine fine we can compromise"

"you stay with me while i play my game?"

"yup i love that... now before you go back to your game, wanna show me just how pretty awesome you are at that third point"

"what was my third point?"

"sucking dick"

"can i play while sucking your dick"

"you can do whatever you want"

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