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"good morning" Christian says with a raspy voice to you

"good morning" you kiss him and can immediately tell somethings wrong

"baby are you okay?" you ask putting your hand on his head feeling crazy heat

"i don't feel too good" he rushes up and runs to the bathroom throwing up

you quickly go over to him and watch as he keeps throwing up

he eventually stops and groans

"i'm sorry" he says starting to cry making you quickly go to his side to comfort him

"woah woah woah don't apologize. do you have a headache or anything"

"mhm i have everything, my head hurts, my stomach hurts, i feel dizzy, i feel tired i-"

"i understand. do you just want to stay in bed all day?"

"no i have work to do"

"you're not doing that today you are way to sick for that"

"i have to"

"Christian i'm telling you right now you don't. you just threw up like 8 times they'll understand"

"no no clinton needed me to do something important"

"i'll call him just go to bed you need to relax"


he goes back to your room and you call clinton
"so what did he say?" christian asks when you walk in

"he said what I knew. you can take the day off to rest now please try and nap"

"will you nap with me"

"of course"

you lay down and he grabs you

"if i get you sick im sorry"

"it will be fine. when did you start feeling like this"

"last night. i think it was what we had for dinner"

"oh i'm so sorry i know how much you hate being sick. what do you want to do while you're in bed"

"can we just watch movies today"

"of course"

you watch a few movies and eventually it becomes lunch time

since it's his stomach that's hurting you decide to buy soup for him, plus that's what he asked for

"the foods here where do you want to eat it"

"i don't want it"

"babe you have to eat something"

"im not hungry though my stomach still hurts"

"can you try though. you won't get better if you don't eat"


"hey you don't have to yell at me"

"you arent listening to me"

"i'm sorry christian but im literally just trying to help you"

"yeah well you aren't doing that great of a job are you"

"whatever you can deal with this on your own"

you leave the room and slam the door shut

you're just trying to help him feel better and it hurts you that he won't let you

after a few minutes of being apart from him you eventually hear your bedroom door shut and you see him walking downstairs

you decide to ignore him and just look at your phone

however it's hard seeing as he lays his head on your lap while laying on your couch

"i'm sorry" he says and you ignore him

he takes your phone and says it's again

"give me my phone back"

"no accept my apology"

"listen when i'm trying to help you feel better i don't like being yelled at"

"i know but i was just annoyed. i actually really like how helpful you are and i love you"

"i love you too"

"so can we go back to our movie we didn't watch it all"

"will you eat the lunch i bought you"

"yes will you cuddle with me"


"perfect im already feeling better"

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