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"hey y/n whatcha doing" Mitchel asks you seeing you sitting on the couch

"ugh go away"

"damn babe sorry. is everything good"

"sorry i'm just stressed" you say rubbing your forehead

you've been trying to write an essay for your school all day but for some reason you just can't figure it out

"well can i help?"

"unless you can write an essay than no"

"okay well would it help if I just sat with you or something"

"it would help me if you were quiet"

you look at him and smile

"i'm just kidding. i mean you could play with my hair while i did it and watch a movie with me"

"if it will make you happy, relaxed, and able to finish your essay then of course"

you lay your head on his legs sideways and continue your essay

"what movie" he asks playing with your hair

"something about the civil war, it will give me inspiration"

"but that's boring"

"but it will help me"


Mitchel chooses a movie and you start to get your essay done

"hey its working" you say and he doesn't respond

you look up and notice he is sleeping

grabbing his hand, you sit up and kiss him

"wake up" you whisper

"hi baby" he whispers back waking up

"you fell asleep"

"sorry babe i told you the movie was boring. how's your essay"

"i'm almost done, but I wanted to take a nap before i finish."

"i dont think thats a good idea. once you stop you won't be able to finish"

"ugh true. i just want to be done with this stupid essay. well instead of a nap could we kiss" you say smirking

"when you finish"

"ugh no fair. how about every time i write a sentence you kiss me"

"that wouldn't be very productive of you"

"i don't careeee i just want kisses" you say sweetly with a pout

you sit on his lap and wrap your arms around his neck

he kisses you softly and you smile


"finish your essay baby and then you'll get more"

"ugh no fair"

you roll your eyes and start your essay again

after 30 minutes you're finished and you close your computer

"FINALLY DONE!!! NOW GIVE ME MY KISSES!" you throw it down and kiss him

"more more more!" you say kissing him every time

"woah baby relax. i'll kiss you all you want soon"

he stands up from the couch with you in his arms and he walks you up to your room

dropping you on the bed he kisses you lightly and then walks away

"mitchel i swear if you do-"

"relax relax relax"

he takes off his clothes and climbs on top of you

"where do you want your kisses" he asks

you point to your lips and your lap and smirk

"when was your essay due"

"in two weeks i got it done early though"

"good girl"

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