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"hey what are you doing tonight?" you ask your boyfriend

"nothing why?"

"well i was wondering if you wanted to go out with me"

"babe we've been together for five years of course we can go out" he laughs

"okay good it's important. by the way i have a surprise for you"

"oh really? what is it"

"it wouldn't be a surprise if i told you now would it"

"i guess it wouldn't"
you and Clinton are now on your date and you're about to do your big surprise

"so when am i getting my surprise?"

"soon just wait a bit. i do have some questions though"

"what are they?"

"well how long do you want to be with me for"

"forever. i already have plans for marriage and babies and life together"

"hm babies?"

"yeah why"

"how many do you want" you ask

"i don't know 3 maybe. why do you ask"

"well i want some too. i was just making sure you want the same thing"

"i wouldn't be fucking you ra-"

"CLINTON! we're in a fancy restaurant be quiet"

"sorry sorry i'm just saying. i totally want a bunch of kids with you"

"well i have some good news for you then"

"yeah what is it?"

"close your eyes and you'll see"

he closes his eyes and you hand him your positive pregnancy test

"and open"

"what is this?" he asks looking down at it

"well we're one third of the way to our perfect life"

"oh my god... are are you pregnant"

"yes babe that's my test" you laugh

"oh my god oh my god you're pregnant! i'm going to be a dad! y-you're going to be a mom. WE'RE GOING TO BE PARENTS"

"hey chill the whole restaurant knows now"

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