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It's a saturday night which means party time in the Chase Atlantic house

the only problem is you HATE parties. loud music, people bumping into you, the messy aftermath. parties are just not your idea of a fun time

your idea of a fun time is reading. therefore while your boyfriend and his friends are partying, you're upstairs in your room reading a new book he bought you

while you're reading you hear the door open and look to see Mitchel

"i knew i'd find you up here" he says sitting on your bed

"well you know how i don't like these parties you always plan"

"i know you don't. that's why i came up here to hang out"

"if you wanted to hang out with me you shouldn't have had one of these" you say rolling your eyes

"are you mad at me?"

"no i just really would like to finish my book"

"babe i got it for you two days ago you're already almost done?"


"i don't get how you do it. anyways why don't you take a break and come down to the party. your book will be back up here after" he takes the book out of your hands and places it down

"hey! i didn't finish the chapter! by the way you know how i feel"

"yes i know but still. please it's fun. it's also not that many people and the music isn't that loud"

"who's here"

"well obviously me and clinton and christian. also Christians girlfriend and her friends. it's all people you know and have met"

"any boys"

"some but they won't hurt you i know you're terrified of that"

"okay but if i leave the room people have a chance to come in and fuck on our bed. i don't want that"

"look we can lock the door. please just come down and stay for a few minutes. you need to relax and have fun"

"reading is me relaxing and having fun"

"ugh... does that book have a sequel"

"it does. i want to buy it after i'm done. and i'll be done if you leave"

"well if you go downstairs with me and enjoy the party i'll buy it for you"

"okay fine i'll go... but you can't leave my sight. do i have to change?"

"easy. and no you look cute. plus less sexually appeasing you look gets me to have you all to myself"

"hey! you mean i don't look sexy?" you pout jokingly

"to me yes of course you do... to others i hope not"
it's been a few minutes since he convinced you and you are now downstairs with everyone else

"oh hey y/n!" Christians girlfriend says coming up to you


"are you thirsty. here have this"

she hands you a drink and you take it. it's tastes disgusting but you figure you might as well get drunk if you're going to be at the party

"i need more"

"damn babe 10 minutes ago you didn't want to come and now you're acting like you do this on the daily"

"oh just shut up and dance with me"

you walk over to where everyone else is dancing and grab mitchel

"if i'm going to be forced i might as well have fun"

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