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"Come on y/n its time to go the Uber is here" your mom calls to you

Today you are moving a new home and you are super nervous. You've never lived anywhere but your house and where you are moving you've never even been before

You also are going to a new school with people you've never met before

"I dont care, im staying" you respond causing your mom to walk in the room

"seriously y/n we have to go. you didnt even like it here"

"but I still had friends and my boyfriend"

"we're only going to two cities over"



After much persuading from your mom,  you are now at your new house. you like the house and the neighborhood seems nice, you're just nervous about starting a new life

"hey y/n can you go bring these to the neighbors" Your mom asks you handing you a plate of cookies


"it's just nice now please"

"okay okay"

you take the plate and walk over to the next house and knock

the door opens and you are face to face with the most attractive boy ever

"uh hi?"

"hi um im y/n your neighbor. here's some cookies. my mom uh she um she made them"

"nice i'm christian. so did you just move in"

"yeah just a few hours ago"

"oh well you're very pretty"

"t-thank you" you blush

"of course. by the way here's my number if you ever need someone to show you around"

"thank you"

"do you only say thank you?" he laughs

"oh uh sorry well i should probably go home"

"yeah i guess have a great day remember text me"

"i will enjoy your cookies"

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