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"oh my goshness you are so cute!" you drunkley squeal to your boyfriend

"Thanks babe" he laughs

"I want to marry you oh yes. marry me Christian please"

"one day"

"mmm, not good enough. here I'll make you want me married"

you take three more shots and climb on his lap, kissing him

"y/n there's people here," he says looking around at the rest of the party

"oh please it's just the brothers and their girls"

"baby you're drunk let's do this later"

"fine... take a shot with me"

"you can have one more and then enough"

"okay daddy"

"what did you just call me"

"daddy" you whisper into his ear

"let's go upstairs," he says seriously making you laugh

"don't mind if we do"

you grab his hand and walk up to your room swaying your hips behind you

he grabs your hips and you open the door

you go over to the bed and kneel on the edge

"help me take this off" you say grabbing your dress

he grabs your hands and unzips your dress

"you look beautiful y/n... but we can't do this"

"why not" you whine

"you're drunk it's not right"

"but i'm saying you can... please i need you"

"tomorrow morning"


"i promise"

"okay daddy i'll listen to you"

"babe... don't call me that please"

"i'll think about it"

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