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"do we have to go on this tonight"

"yes we do. trust me you're going to love his girlfriend. Jordan's super nice"

you and christian and jordan and mitchel are going on a double date and you're very nervous

you are close friends with mitchel but for some reason have barely met or even know his girlfriend

"i've already met her and i already do like her she well she doesn't like me"

"why what happened"

"well at that one party i ran into her and spilled her drink. but i spilt it on myself. she helped clean me and was so nice but when she turned around i heard her call me a bitch"

"well that was an accident you didn't mean to. plus i don't even know if she knows it was you. did you say your name"

"no but if i know her she knows me. anyways can't we just stay home and have our own date"

"i already said we're on the way so let's go"

you roll your eyes and walk out the house with him

you eventually get to where you both are meeting and Christian leaves the car while you stay

"come on y/n we have to go"



"ugh fine"

you roll your eyes and walk into where the date is

mitchel and jordan are already waiting at a table for you

"hey guys" christian says when you walk in

"hi... oh hey y/n it's been a while" mitchel says to you

"yeah hi... hi jordan it's nice to meet you" you say shyly and sit down

"we've met before y/n?"

"oh.. i'm still sorry about that part-"

"not then a few weeks after. do you not remember"

"no? was i nice"

"yeah of course we literally talked about the boys"

"we did? okay to be fair i do get drunk a lot" you joke and everyone laughs

"i can confirm"
the lunch with jordan and mitchel just ended and you guys are all now on the way to go bowling

at lunch you and jordan talked a ton and you are so alike

"so how do you think it went?" Christian asks

"well i like her and i think it went good... why was it not good. did she say something about me! does she hate me! are we not finishing the date! are we breaking up!"

"woah woah woah chill babe nothing like that. i was making sure everything's good before we go. you're comfortable right"

"yes definitely. thank you for asking"

"of course i love you"

"i love you too"

he kisses you and drives to the bowling alley

once you arrive you meet up with Mitchel and Jordan and get to a lane

"sorry we're doing girls against boys. i have to be with my new bestie" Jordan says winking at you

"hey no fair i wanna be with MY girlfriend"

"sorry she's mine now"

"hey christian don't act like you don't want to be with me, your sexy husband mitchel"

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