236 4 1

3 Years Ago

"hey mom you know that ring the families had since forever" Clinton asks his mom

"yeah why"

"well I wanted to give it to r/g for our anniversary tomorrow"

"and how long have you been together" his mom asks

"five years so far."

"i don't know Clinton, she isn't really nice to you, and you know this is supposed to be given to the first sons wife. I dont think you guys will last"

"but mom i love her"

"if you marry her then yes if not sorry. i just have a feeling you will be with someone else"


"hey babe i have something for you" clinton says coming up to you

"oh hi. what is it?"

"i'm going to need you to sit down for this"

you and clinton go over to your couch and clinton grabs your hand

"so as you know we've been together for about 2 years and it's honestly been the best years of my life. now before you get worried i am not proposing, but I have something for you"

"ooo okay i'm excited. you know i love gifts"

"yes babe i know. anyways there's a tradition in my family that the first sons wife gets this ring. this ring was made a lot of years ago by my 6th great grandfather and he made it to my 6th great grandmother. so now it's been here for a while so i want you to have it"

he shows you the ring and it's beautiful

"but babe i'm not your wife" you laugh

"yeah well you will be one day"

he smiles shyly and you kiss him lightly

"i'll gladly wear it and keep it forever and ever. well until i have to give it away. have you ever tried giving it to anyone else"

"i asked my mom for my ex and she said she didn't see it and she knew there was someone better for me"

"aw i love your mom"

you sit on his lap and he puts the ring on your finger

"i love it, and most importantly i love you"

you kiss him again and he smiles

"i love you more"

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