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Tonight's Halloween and you and all the Chase Atlantic members and friends are hanging out at the Chase Atlantic house, including your boyfriend Christian who youve only been dating for a few months

You are going to watch a bunch of scary, halloween movies which you hate. The only good part about tonight is you get to hang out with your boyfriend and drink.

You get ready and go to their house. Once you get there you immediately see Christian and you start to get nervous

even though youve been dating for those few months you still get nervous when you see him and think he will leave you at any moment

"hey y/n you're finally here"

"yup... i got ready late sorry"

"no worries, i mean it does take a while to look that good" he says looking you up and down

"oh shut up" you roll your eyes with a smile "and actually my beauty comes naturally thank you very much"

"oh right right im so sorry."

you guys eventually walk inside and you say hi to everyone

"sit next to me" Christian whispers to you grabbing your hand

"of course" you say blushing and sitting down

the first few scenes of the movies begin to play and at the first scare you scream

"i hate this shit" you say and everyone laughs

"here you can hold my hand when its scary"

"shut up christian"

"im being serious"

you continue to watch the movie and every time you jump or get scared you get closer and closer to christian. by the end of the first movie you are basically sitting on his lap

"woah how did I get here."

"your nerves babe but its okay im protecting you" Christian whispers and you blush

"i dont need protecting im a big girl" you say with a pout acting like a child

"of course you are baby" he laughs and they start the next movie

this movie is extra scary and you hide in christians shoulder

"i thought you were a big girl" he whispers

"i am... but im a scared big girl"

he starts to rub your back and you slowly fall asleep

however, it doesnt last long as you can still hear the screams

you look back to the tv and a sex scene comes on

"this is the scariest part.. not using a condom"  you say and everyone laughs

as the sex scene goes on and the killer eventually gets them christian slowly moves his hands from rubbing your back to grabbing your ass

"babe not in front of everyone" you whisper and he groans

"sorry that scene just..."

"i get it, here let me help you"

you get off his lap and move to sit next to him

"where are you going"


you grab a blanket and put it on you both, placing you hand casually over his pants

"watch the movie" you whisper

"arent you scared?"

"dont worry about me... I have a distraction"

"ugh i love you"

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