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"ugh when do you come home"

"in a few weeks"

"but I miss you NOW"

Its been three months since the band has been on tour and all you want to do is hug and be with your boyfriend

you've been so lonely at home with only having contact with Mitchel through facetime and people's lives showing you the concert

"Sorry babe you know if I could, I'd be home with you right now hugging and doing whatever we may do" he smirks and you roll your eyes

"if I could hit you through the screen I would"

"mhm I'm sure, well I have to go we have the concert soon"

"ugh okay bye I love you"

"I love you too and I promise ill see you soon"

you hang up and sigh to yourself

curious you look at the tour post and notice the night before was their last show

confused you text Christian

You: Hey Christian I have a very important question for you

Christian: yes y/n?

You: When do you and the guys finish the tour

Christian: we ended last night why

You: hmm Mitchel said you guys still have three weeks

Christian: yeah I don't know your boyfriend is pretty strange

You: ugh thanks a lot I already knew that


a few hours go by and you get a knock on your door

you of course answer it and all you see is a bunch of flowers

confused you see a note that says

"go to the park love you ;)- MC"

you smile to yourself and go to the park he's talking about, after bringing the flowers inside.

when you get to the park you see one section with lots of lights

you walk over to that part and see Mitchel standing with more flowers with a smile on his face

you right away kiss him and he grabs your hands

"finally you come"

"what is this" you say with a laugh

he immediately goes down to one knee and pulls something out of his pocket

"youre kidding"

"nope, baby i love you so much and i can never imagine being without you. These past few months have been torture without you and i never want to lose you ever. so will you marry me?"


Sorry if this seems everywhere

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