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"Y/N WE HAVE TO GO NOW" Clinton screams to you


you run downstairs and over to clinton

today you are going to meet Clinton's family and you're very nervous

luckily Mitchel will be there who you are close with

"are you ready"

"yup do i not look ready?"

"no you do I was just wondering. so are you nervous"

"no do i look nervous"

"no again im just wondering you look wonderful"

"good. i hope they like me"

"i'm sure they will now let's go... oh mitchels not coming anymore"

"what! clinton you said it wasnt just going to be us alone with your parents"

"well you'll have to meet them alone some day, let's go!"

he smiles and runs out the door making you groan and roll your eyes

"you should've told me this before" you say getting in the car

"don't worry about it"

you eventually get to his parents house and nervously go inside

"hi mom, hi dad this is y/n my girlfriend" he says introducing you

you smile and his mom gives you a hug

"hi y/n it's nice to finally meet you. i've heard a lot about you"

"you have? oh no what is he telling you" you joke and everyone laughs

"nothing bad he really likes you though"

"aw that's nice i really like him too"

you talk a little bit more and eventually move from standing up to sitting at their dining room table eating

"so where did you guys meet again?" his dad asks

secretly you and Clinton met at a club where at first it was only a one night stand but you can't tell his parents that

you look at him and he secretly touches your leg as a sign that he'll answer

"we met at a party and mitchels girlfriend introduced us"

"aw that's cute are you friends with Jordan y/n"

"yeah she's my best friend from elementary school"

you continue to talk and eat and ask questions and you really think they like you

it starts to get late so Clinton tells them you guys have to leave

"aw already! clinton why i love her!" his mom says making you smile

"sorry mom you aren't even talking to me!"

"well i'm trying to get to know my daughter-in law"

"you can do that later now seriously it's late"

"fine" his mom rolls her eyes and you start laughing

"it was great meeting you both. i'm going to be honest i was very nervous at first but now i can't even believe it"

"aw it was great meeting you too"

you get up and clinton grabs your hand

you hug both his parents and leave the house

"so what did you think?" clinton asks while you're in the car

"i love them... seriously they're the best probably better than you"

"hey! that's not nice"

"i'm kidding i'm kidding. no matter if i love who made you, what they made is even better. i love you the most" you say and he kisses your cheek

"well baby i love you more than the most"

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