Chapter 4

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I was so busy with my work that I didn't notice a small thin girl with short blue hair huddled against the wooden wall. I must have scared her when I ran in.

The girls face was covered in soot and had a nasty looking bruise that had began to turn purple and green on her cheek. Aswell as that, I could see that her face was stained with the remains of tears. Her cloths were ripped and her hair was terribly knoted.

She looked- almost defeated. As if she lost everything she's ever had. Well I can be her friend and make it all better. I have a new friend now, yay!

I climbed off the desk and slowly stepped towards the girl.
"Hi! My names Y/n or you can call me Shimmer!" I introduced myself to the girl. Dad gave me the nickname Shimmer because he said my eyes shimmer in the light. Weird right? But I love my nickname!

I shot my hand out to help her up but she flinched away from me. This shocked me a bit as I wasn't gonna hurt her. After a few seconds, she shakely reached her pale hand out to mine and pulled herself up.

"H-hi, I'm Powder- but he said that my name was 'Jinx' now, u-um nice to meet you?" She said with a small uncertain smile as she pointed to dad as she said he.

''Hi Jinx! I can tell were gonna be the bestest of friends!" I replied as I pulled her into my arms for a hug. It took her a little bit to register what I was doing and soon enought hesitantly brought her arms around me and embraced me.

She hugged me tightly and snuggled her face into the crevice between my neck and shoulder. Jinx was warm and it made me feel all fuzzy inside. I don't know what this feeling is, but I love it.

"Please don't leave me to," Jinx whispered into my neck, "I will always be by your side," I whispered back.



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