Chapter 21

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The remaining firelights jumped off the side of the ship to avoid Js bullets and they flew off quickly into the distance.

Jinx only stopped firing when her gun ran out of ammo and created a loud rattling sound. With heavy breaths, she lowered her gun and kinda stood there for a minute.

Then I turned to see that Sevika had broken from the crystals and was making her was towards J. Sevika emerged from the smoke behind J both and angrily grabbed Jinxs shoulder and spun her around.

"You were supposed to guard the cargo!" She growled aggressively as J just stood there and stared at her. Jinx leaned her head to the side and scoffed at her words.

"Just wait till Silco hears about what you did to his ship, and more importantly, his little girl," Sevika shouts as she turns and points towards me.

I had pushed myself up against a tipped over barrel of Shimmer and holding my shoulder to try to stop the constant bleeding.

As Sevika stomped off in anger, J rushed over to me and pushed her hands over mine to try to assist me.

"I-im sorry! I'm so sorry, I-i didn't mean to" J apologies, tears welling up in her eyes. I shushed her comfortingly as I reached into my back pocket and pulled out some stained bandages.

"Good thing I always have these on me, huh?" I joked but gasped lightly when J started to cut my cloths to get to my shoulder which made me blush. She was so eager to help me, this is why I love her.

●Jinxs Pov●

She hates you now.

She will never forgive you.

She will never love you now you hurt her.

I turned around as screamed at Milo to F off but he just laughed and I turned back around to bandage up Shimmer. Reaching to the side where a piece of metal, that looked pretty sharp, and I started to cut the cloth around the bullet wound.

I did this  to check if the bullet had gone clean through or was still in her body. I really hope it had gone through clean. 

Thankfully, it was a clean wound so I wouldn't have had to do a extraction, which would would hurt like hell. Shimmer passed me the dirty bandages and I started to wrap it up.

"When we get back home, we need to clean it up properly, ok?" I said as I stood up. She nodded and reached out for my hand to help her up. I pulled her up and wrapped my hand around her shoulder and we walked off the wrecked ship.

Both of us snuck through the back streets of Piltover and over the bridge and back to Silco.


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