Chapter 9

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We both looked at his hand and suddenly, Jinx gave him a high five. This made the man look extremely annoyed,"You have to pay."

"Nah we're good but thanks for the offer," I said and returned to my food.

"Pay up!" The man shouted angrily at us, and the bar went quiet. Now I could tell that Jinx was really annoyed now. J looked up at him with a threatening glare but the man still didn't back off. So she pretended to put her hand in her pocket but when her hand emerged, there was no money. But her middle finger!

The man gasped, took a step back and turned around with a huff and walked into the back. He soon returned to the bar with Dad.

"Yes sir, these two women refuse to pay!" Explained the man as he pointed to us. The bar was now complete silent as they watched the whole ideal go down.

All Dad did was laugh but this laugh wasn't a 'ha ha that's so funny!' it was a dark and evil one. The man looked at Dad with surprise written on his face and then fear at what Dad said next.

"They do not need to pay, boy," said Dad then he walked out of the room. He growled and stormed over to us.

"Who are you and why do you not need to pay?!" He questioned like he had the power here. Someone from the other side of the bar spoke up.

"You don't know? There Jinx and Shimmer, Silcos kid's," said Aunt Sevika from her seat. The man let out a simple 'oh' and looked down. Suddenly, the bar erupted in laughter at the mans stupidity, me and Jinx included.

"Hmmm," he hummed angrily and returned to the back. Another man came walking out and began to dry the wet glasses.

By the time I returned to my food again, it was almost flat cold! I groaned in response and reluctantly began to eat the cold meal. Taking a sip of my drink to wash down my food, I looked over at Jinx and saw that she had finished her meal and was staring right at me.

I waved my hand infrount of her face to try get her attention and asked if she was ready to go.
"Not yet do you wanna set of now and I'll catch up to you soon? Just gonna get another drink," Said Jinx and I replied with, "You sure?" She nodded and I stood up from my comfy seat and walked out the building.

But before I left, I said to J that I'll see her soon and not to be to long. The street out side was dark from the cloudy sky that covered the sun and was quite busy.

As I walked past an alleyway I saw like 3 people having a dose of Shimmer. As I passed, I gave them a friendly wave and carries on my way back home.



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